Apr 13, 2005 13:15
Today I am sitting in the AIP computer lab next to my new livejournal buddy Eric. Hi Eric!
I am trying to remember my assignments given to me by Page and Jessica Jade.
I have to plan our road trip to California and research cars for Jades' and my business.
I was asked to leave my job 2 days ago. They said it was a "restructuring of the MINI department" and in no way was because of "misconduct on my part". So I will get unemployment.
I think this was a blessing in disguise but I am having a hard time dealing. I know this will allow me time to focus on what I love and what is good for me.
This trip to California with Page is going to be great. We are meeting with Sprout Fund on Friday and also with Citizens Bank. After all of our funds are together the company will take off. I am looking to get Jess and I a subaru to transport our products.
All will get better. Paul told me "sometimes a lobster has to leave his shell to grow" "during that time he is a little vulnerable" I feel like a lobster.