Nov 14, 2005 19:32
Ok yall I havent Updated in a while ! furreal so I am just ganna update on today ok....
Woke up this morning round 6:38 got in the shower got out got dressed blow dried my hair then I figured what the hell and just put up my hair in a lil bun thangy and headed off for school mama took me by Chikfilay got sumthin to eat then went to school . When I got there I went to 5th hall cause I had to get my shoes out my locker soo I went and did that then I just roamed the hallways for a little bit then went to the gym got in the dressing room ate my breakfast then dressed out.~ Green ~ Played Frisbie Football lol me and alyssa were just standing in the inzone the whole time and I dont know if the other team was just damn stupid or didnt notice us but everytime one of our team mates got the Frisbie they would throw it to us and we would make a touchdown lol our team whooped team like 80 to 7 it was bad lol ~ Brinson~ Read a lame ass book then did questions ~ Jones~ Played a reveiw game and picked on the teacher lol ~Frazier~ Went to lunch lol we had to find a new table to sit at cause black kids took ours.then Mr.Fraziers class we didnt do anything but play around like always ~Gary~ YAY we had Mrs.Beachum Omgosh lol I luv her I didnt do anything but play on the computer the whole class period too much fun lol ~Eulette~ Went over the Slope thangy and did sum practice questions thats bout it ~Simmons~ lol Me,Sarah,and Devin were ganna skip but Devin didnt wanna go so we didnt So we all went back to class and sat in our group we didnt do hardly anything in that class sept Listen to him run his mouth and go over a worksheet.Went to julias locker talked to everybody then went home ,came home got on AIM talked to every body then decided I wasnt ganna go to the FFA meetin so I just decided to update this thang.
I love you ~ Comment Hoez