One of the secrets of life is to make stepping stones out of stumbling blocks...

Aug 02, 2004 19:21

What a weekend...Didn't really party or anything, worked too much. Well, where to start...I guess Friday. I got home from the Grayhorse and was jes talking to Crystal on the phone, minding my own business, when there was a knock on my door. A kid that I've met once through Jen asked if Jen was here, I told him that she doesn't live here anymore (She was supposed to move her shit out Friday nite, but didn't...she stopped by and left my money, that was about it) Anyways...he was all shakey and sweaty and stuff...freaking out and asked to use my phone, since I was on my cell phone, I gave him my house phone. He was on the porch on the phone and came in and asked if he could sit in a chair that you couldn't see if you looked into the house and if he could call the kid that he called back in 2 minutes. I stayed on the phone with Crystal, I wasn't gunna be alone with this freaky kid, it was crazy. Oh yeah, after he asked if he could use the phone, he asked if I would do him a favor and then was like, Nevermind, it might be illegal. WOAH!, anyways...then he called the kid back and he was gunna come pick him up. A cop drove by and I was like, Did you do something illegal, cuz a cop jes drove by and I don't want to get in trouble? He was like, no, I jes have to get away. When he was on the phone he said something about not wanting to leave his knife at a person's house that he barely knew and then he pulled out this switchblade and then put it back in his pocket. I was totally freaked. So, after he got off the phone, I asked how long it would be because I had to go to bed, which was true, because i had to work at Teneco and the Grayhorse Saturday. Finally, his ride showed up and he bolted out the door. It was jes crazy. He told me to tell Jen to tell Sheena (Jen's sister) that he'd get ahold of her, he had to get away for awhile. I blew it off and went to bed. I fell asleep like right away. I heard my house phone ring, I didn't know what time it was, it jes pissed me off. I didn't answer it because I didn't want to talk to whoever was calling that late. Then it rang again, so I answered it. It was Sheena. She asked if Jen was here that nite and I said Yeah...she wanted to know if Gary was with her. I said I didn't know because I was at work. She was like, Oh, well, Jen's in jail. Yeah, they didn't know why at the time. She got arrested in Branch County and they transfered her to Calhoun County. It was crazy. I told Sheena what the kid said, and she kinda freaked a little bit. But, I didn't care, I wanted to go back to bed. Saturday, I burned myself at work and it really fucken hurts. It's blistering, it sucks. I lost my phone from the time I woke up until I left for work. I woke up late for work, it was a bad morning. Made $87 at the Grayhorse. Not bad, not really good, but not bad. I had a lady ask me if I had a boyfriend, I said no, boys suck. They all laughed and she said, Well, I have a son. It was soooo funny. I couldn't stop laughing. When I took them out their bill, her husband was like, Is your name and number on there? I was like, Well, my name is, lol. It was so funny. Yeah, then I came home and went with Crystal to take her friend Heather back to Sherwood and came home, drank a beer and fell asleep. Nothing exciting. I was so fucken tired. Sunday, Jen finally got all of her stuff. When she was leaving, a cat came up to us and let Jen pick him up and everything. He was so skinny! So, I went inside and got some lunch meat and gave it to him. I figured that he won't go away now, so after Crystal and I went to dinner, we went to WalMart and I got cat food and some dishes to put it in. Dad told me if I wanted I could let it stay in the house, but I don't want a cat, I want a dog. He told me I can get a dog. I'm so stoked :) Stephen and Brandy are getting rid of one of their dogs, and they told me I could have him if they still have him when I'm ready. I have to get a doghouse and kennel and stuff first. I can't leave him in the house while I'm at work. Especially when I work at both jobs. I don't know if I'm going to get Bach or go to the Humane Society and get one. It'd be cheaper to jes get Bach, but I want a dog from a puppy that way it's my baby. idk...I'm dumb, lol. But, when we got home after dinner, Crystal started cleaning my house, so I started cleaning my house, too. We cleaned the kitchen, living room, and my new computer room :) Had to reorganize the living room a little bit because Jen took her chair. It looks a lot nicer, now, though. I love it. I drank a few beers and Crystal went upstairs to get laid,,,so I made a booty call and got laid last nite. It was fun. Not the best sex ever, but, hey, it was better than nothing. He used my toy, which was kinda wierd, but cool, too., yeah...the only thing is, I'm pretty sure things will be wierd between him and I. I don't know why...we've talked about being fuck buddies before...but, who cares...I jes wanted to get laid. I was drunk and horny, lol. I had 3 beers before he got here, then he and I both had one when he got here. Kinda downed the last one. It was fun. Today...ugh, today sucked. At work, they put me on my favorite job and then pulled me off of it after an hour and a half and said they had to change the mold. I had to go punch out some parts that someone fucked up this weekend. When I was done, they were supposed to have my mold changed, but didn' I had to sort for the rest of the day. I sorted over 1600 parts, then I labeled another box. I quit working 10 minutes early, but I worked my ass off all day, in the fucken heat, with no fan at all. Jerry, one of the supervisors came over and told me that he expects me to work buzzer to buzzer. Fine, if he wants me to work buzzer to buzzer, I will. But, don't expect me to get more work done than anyone else ever does. I sorted 6 boxes in 6 hours. That includes lunch and last break, too. so, actually like 5 1/2 hours. Normally if someone sorts all day, they get like 4 or 5 boxes done if that. So, I kicked ass today. He can go suck a dick or something. Ugh, it jes made me so mad. I jes wanted to go to my truck and sit in the air conditioning. When I did, oh, that was so nice. I had it on high, it felt so good. I went to Dad's and filled out the paper for the loan to get the new engine in my truck. Dad says it'll be like $2800, so that gives me an extra $200,,,I think I'm gunna see if I can buy a new fridge with that. There is nothing that I can do to get mine to stop stinking. It's really starting to piss me off. So, yeah...then I went to Dunham's and got Crystal and I dinner. I jes got home and showered. I feel so much better now. Not so sweaty and gross. I hate to sweat!!!! My fuck buddy left his hat here, so he stopped by to get it. That's why I think things will be wierd. He jes got his hat and left. I don't know, he didn't really say anything, so idk...I don't want things to be wierd...I want them to be fun, and that's how I thought it was gunna be. But, who knows. The world works in mysterious ways...
But, I'm gunna go see what Mikey Z is up, I'm out...peace*
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