today started out good and ended like shit.

Mar 16, 2004 00:07

uh. i have to just get this off my chest. I AM SO TIRED OF EVERYONE! you all can get mad at me, be pissed at me, hate me the whole thing is i DONT care. everyone and all their stupid little problems is starting to really get on my nerves. im tired of giving advice, im tired of being the person foreveryone to run to, and im tired of getting used for a guy because you kno what? i NEVER get it back in return. and im honestly tired of it. getting used and helping everyone out for nothing wasnt my point of being on this god damn earth. god didnt just decide to make someone to put on this earth for everyone to use. he made someone to be just like everyone else. and i dont kno if ive come to the point where im just tired of everyone and its a phase but its really making me mad. ive come to the point where i dont wanna hang out with any of my friends anymore, i dont wanna leave the house, i dont want to get good grades, and i dont want to please anyone. everything has just changed and nothings the same. everything used to just come so easy and now it doesnt. and everyone used to always be friends and now theyre not and everyone was so happy and now theyre not.

FUCK YOU ALL -from kayla cuz im sick of it too...EVERYTHING started happening when GUYS came along! its GAY! and im sick of it...WHy dont everyone just have a freking 948124902384590123858923 sum cuz everyone goes out wit everyone...iM SICK OF EVERYONE takin everyones man ! we are in MIDDLE SCHOOL nOT MARRIAGE TIME! get over it...o0o he likes her...she likes him...WHO THE FUCK CARES? no not me... we would all BE FRIENDS if it wasnt like this and you know it...BUT No al guys got to be these BIG PIMPS... and its VERY RETARDED... GET OVER YOURSELFS...if you havent realized it...YOU START ALOT OF SHIT AND YOU HURT ALOT OF GIRLS is tht wat u want to be known for...if SOo0o tHEN GO FOR IT! and EvERYONE ELSE..BE THE FUCK FRIENDS AND GET OVER THE SMALL SHIT WE WONT KNO EACH OTHER THE REST of OUR LIFES AND YOU NEED TO ENJOY THE TIME WE HAVE TOGETHER rite now! so0o GET over YOU PROBLEMS and MOVE ON! bye

its pretty sad when someone has to cry over such bull shit like this. sometimes i just wish its even worth helping people and ive come to kno that its not. you get stabbed in the back in return or no one bothers to care when you have a problem. and if thats what this fucking world is comming to ive rather have a hand full of TRUE friends then 100 ass holes caring about themselves and me in the middle trying to help them all. im so sick of all of this. FUCK ALL OF YOU WHO TALK ABOUT PEOPLE BEHIND THEIR BACKS! good fucking bye.
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