Apr 10, 2005 05:15
ya hey just me again....obviosly....just sittin here board at craigs its 5 16 in the morning...and just so board cause everyones asleep...mike i wish you a happy birthday man and may youll read this..but hey if not i guess ill taell ya in person...i unno what im even on here for......im shure noone wants to hear me complain boutmy problems...bout my issues....but maybe ppl want to hear bout the good things...like laura....shes cool....i unno i work with her and shes cute too and hot....but hey i unno whats guna happen....i unno i might ask her to go out sometime to see a movie or whatever cause that would be fun...but ya i unno....just cause everything thats happened lately ive been a wreck,....and i unno just seems like she cares and wants to help me through....and that means alot...o ya if my spelling and grammer is obtrosious and if i make non sence at all it cayuse im drunk .....i unno laursa cool tho...but ya till next time here goes damien....all alone and cold with no one to hold...... c ya