just thinkin..

Nov 17, 2005 22:08

life is crazy sometimes
just when you think you know someone
their gone
and theres nothing you can do about it
a recent death is reopening up so many old feelings of my cousin and its crazy
it makes me sad all over again-this time for 2 people
will i ever fully get over this?
i dont think time ever heals it just helps you not think about it as much
because im right back where i was 2 years ago
death is the worst thing to deal with because there is no exact way.
with everything else in this world theres some universal way of how to go about doing it being shown in the media or by society somehow ie;
how to act when you get dumped or break up with your significant other
how to act when you get rejected
how to act when lonley
how to act when your mad at someone
how to act when someone has hurt you
how to act when your jealous

there is so many simple things that are shown that go unoticed probably no one even thinks about those things. no one copies that exactly but lots of people certainly use it as a reference of some sort of how their exactly to act. or they go to their friends and use them as examples or get advice.

but not death.
there is NO universal way of dealing with death. you wanna know why? because there is no exact feeling. you feel so many feelings all at once you have no idea what the hell is going on. you keep feeling all of these feelings thinking all of them are wrong and your not supposed to do that. everyone is different and goes through different phases depending on the circumstance. the media tries to portray a way to deal with death but its just to hard. well thats just my opinion i know im making general statements but its just what i think at the moment.

when bad things continously happen to me i slowly become numb to it all. it gets to the point where nothing even phases me. i feel like a fucking robot who sees life pass me by and one day is no different from the other. im sick of this shit im going to start living my life exactly how i want to do it. i might change my mind as to what i want to do with my life every damn day but i dont fuckign care as long as im happy and thats what i want. because in the end thats all that really matters isnt? if you really think about it why else are you meant to live? for someone else? i think not. for all of you who read this it probably makes no sense bc i jump around so much but my message to you as trite as it might sound its true:
live each day like its your last
do what you wanted to do that day if it was important
dont put it off for tommorow
tell the people who mean a lot to you that you love them
and do what ever you can as little as it may be to try and make you happy in some way
because you never know when its over....

r.i.p Chopper- you shall be missed
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