Oct 03, 2008 03:42
if this doenst post i will be so fucking pissed. im on my last sip of wine, my last cigarette...im going to light it now...my parents sent me a carton..you would think by now they realized i smoke camel lights and they sent me a carton of camel filters. talk about harsh. i fucking wrote an entire entry and its gone, thank you live journal. its almost 4am, i bet jon is getting up for work now. fuck. im sitting on my balcony listening to bright eyes reading old journal entries and old myspace messages. i cant sign onto ichat for some unknown goddammed reason....it erased my buddy list and it says im not a vaid member. go figure. whatever. im wasted and im going to be useless tomrorow at work hahahahhahahhaa. hahahahaha. hahahhahahah. whatever. let them yell at me and send me home, i hope they fuckkng do. im so sick of the fucking shop drama. signing off. night world.
Now I write when I'm away letters that you never read.
You said go to explore those other women,
the geography of their bodies
but there is just one map you'll need.
You are a boomerang. You'll see.
You will return to me.
and now im engaged. hahahahhahah.hahahaha.hahahahhahaa.hahahhaha.
YUP. yup. yup.
im fuckd up its 4am. fuck. nihgt.