I cannot remember the last time that I have been this truly genuinely happy.
I have had an amazing winter break so far. It has been amazing. The Kat von D book signing made my life.
Kayla came over on Saturday and we had a collaging party. We had over 120 pounds of magazines littering my living room floor. She spent the night and then we woke up early on Sunday to go up to school to work on the library. We went through books and laughed at all the stuff we say. "Iguanas As A Hobby" "Friendy Fascism."
Kayla and I split up an entire set of National Geographics from 1982-2001. They came in leather bound holders and everything. Kayla and I ended up being the only people in the building besides Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Pardue.. but they were not aware that we were there. So we played basketball while blaring HSM and raiding teachers classrooms until we got kicked out. We left with over six large boxes of magazines and holders. Oh and also a book about the Peace Corps (for Kayla of course) and a book about a family whose mother died and they buried her in the backyard so they wouldn't have to go to an orphanage. It is some prett weird shit.
Then Kayla and Lia and I went up the The Future Art Gallery Venue to see Jake, Jake, Bill, Alec, Carmel, Austen, and Andy perform. Mr. Moss showed up and we all hungout for a few hours talking and stuff. It was a lot of fun. My mother ended up buying me a piece of artwork that i absolutely fell in love with :D
I have plans pretty much the rest of the week. RENT this weekend:D
Ah so excited. I'm going to go work on some projects soon and blare music louder than is legal.
Being home alone is fun stuff.
I'm starting to realize the different groups of friends I have. I have my artsy down to earth friends. I have my mainstream crazy teen friends. Then I have Nicole who doesn't go to AAW and then there is my cousin Saralee and she has her own category. It has become extremely difficult to balance all of these groups and people since they tend to not interact with each other all that much. I always feel guilty and pulled in five different directions. Oh yeah lets not forget CJ who wants to hangout all the time and I wanna see him too but I really am afraid of that. I do miss him though...
It is super complicated but only because I make it that way. I just gotta deal with it all and be happy...
but I already am so it's cool
Gah I love you guys. Lia, Kayla, Jake, Tiffany, Nicole, Brett, Saralee, CJ... all of you guys are awesome and I wouldn't be this happy without you guys. I owe you:D
Well now that this has turned into the longest post I have had in a while I should go..
I mean you really don't care about my constant babble anyways. I am becoming an increasingly speedier typer... this could be the death of us.
Oh yeah there was a painting at the gallery last night that was an oriental woman with long black flowing hair sitting on an onion smoking a cigarette. It reminded me of Yoko and Glass Onion. I wanted to buy it so badly. I speak "Kayla-Speak" now. The end.
this makes my life happier.