Don't be hatin

Nov 21, 2011 10:16

I don't understand why some people still rage against the Kindle and other e-readers.

Don't get me wrong, I love books. The way they feel, the way they smell, the satisfaction of closing the cover of a hefty tome after you've finished it...the Kindle can't replicate any of those. And that is sad. But in terms of convenience, e-readers easily make up for it.

You know what sucks? Moving. You know what sucks even more? Packing up boxes and boxes of books, and moving them into the car/uhaul, and then hauling them up the stairs, and unpacking them, and realizing that a two-bedroom apartment fills up pretty quickly. You know what doesn't suck? Tossing your Kindle into your purse along with the charger, and knowing you just moved half your library. Since we will be moving again in the near-future, I've been buying all new books on Kindle, just because I remember what a pain in the butt it was to move hundreds of pounds of text.

I'm one of those people that always has a book with me, because I've got an attention span of about 30 seconds, and even less patience. If I have to wait for anything for more than a minute, I have to have something to read, because if I don't, I will start rearranging other people's furniture or peeking behind doors clearly marked "Employees Only." Being able to have hundreds of books available at once is lovely, because you know what happens when you only have one?

The wait takes longer than you predicted, and you finish it. And then you're left with an hour with nothing to fill it, wondering why none of your friends are texting you back at this time wen you desperately need them, and why your stupid sister never picks up her phone. You know you look awkward just sitting there, everyone is judging you, you can't itch your nose because someone will think you're picking it, and time is suddenly moving like syrup in Alaska. You can't even sit facing forward, because some snooty lady ignored waiting-room protocol and took the seat directly opposite of you, so if you try to zone out, you're going to be staring at her. You end up sitting kind of sideways, and your neck starts to hurt, and you're mad at yourself for staying up half the night reading too much of the book you brought with you, which landed you in this situation to begin with.

And that is why the Kindle is a life-changing device. Since I got one last December, you know how many times I've been in that situation? Exactly zero. And that is why I win, and people who crusade against e-readers lose.
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