shows how much time i have on my hands

May 03, 2004 14:43

[Name]: Carlynne
[Spell your name backwards]: ennylrac
[Birthdate]: august 27 1986
[Birthplace]: um i think glendale
[Current Location]: shadowhills
[Occupation(s)]: um drinking, and riding horses, oh and recently modeling
[Eye Color]: hazal
[Hair Color]: light brown
Righty or Lefty]: righty
[Zodiac Sign]: virgo
[Innie or Outtie]: innie
[Describe yourself in 3 words]: 1. funny 2. entertaining 3. concieted
[Who is your worst enemy?]: i dunno
[If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be?]: a giraff
[What is the latest you've ever stayed up]: hmmmm... i never got any sleep, because someone *cough* bryan *cough* never shuts the hell up at night.
[Ever been to Belgium?]: haha nope
[What's your favorite coin?]: the giant one

[Wallet]: grey leopard print
[Jewelery worn daily]: a watch, and a ring
[Favorite top]: my voids shirt
[Favorite pants]: my levis that got a hole in the but, and i had to sew it so they are all better, and my but doesnt show.
[Favorite shoes]: vans

[Cologne/Perfume]: um i have victoria secret body spray
[CD in stereo right now]: partisans
[Tattoos]: 3 more months
[Piercings]: 3 more months
[Makeup]: um wow, exspensive, but worth it, i love my lime green shadow, or lime yellow, i dunno.
[Do you like sex]: pervert, im a virgin
[Do you believe in love]: i guess
[Do you believe in love at first sight]: no
[Do you believe in forgiveness]: yes
[Your fears]: spiders, bugs, snakes, bugs, dyeing, heights
[One thing you'd like to achieve]: makeup school, modeling
[Your most overused phrase on aim]: hahahahahahaha
[The first feature you notice in the opposite sex]: clothes, looks, hair
[Your best physical feature]: eyes
[Think you're attractive]: i am conceited
[Been on stage]: yes i have
[Been trashed or extremely intoxicated]: yes
[Been called a tease]: ive been told "im not playing your game anymore, i dont get you" but i dont know if thats the same thing
[Best eye color]: green
[Best first kiss location]: neck, lips

[four beverages you drink frequently]
1. gatorade
2. water
3. booze
4. water

[four places to go in your area]
1. rachels
2. kyles/bryans
3. the mall
4. ummmm restraunts i guess

[five things to do when you're bored]
1. this
2. talk on the telly
3. look at magazines
4. sleep
5. eat
[four things that never fail to cheer you up]
1. rachel, and friends
3. music
4. my cat
[four things you can't live without]
1. music
2. friends
3. water
4. animals and family

[seven things on your desk]
1. cup
2. vogue mag.
3. cell
4. stapler
5. cds
6. paper
7. pen

[7 artists/bands/people should give a listen to]
1. devotchkas
2. partisans
3. the buisness
4. the cramps
5. cheap sex
6. the briggs
7. oxymoron

[Fave food(s)]: wheat thins
[Fave color(s)]: green and pink
[Fave movie(s)]: sand lot
[Fave Animal(s)]: horses
[Fave Holiday(s)]: saint patricks day
[Fave T.V. Show(s)]: the O.C., south park
[Hottest Guy/Girl]: seth cohen, lance, jesse
[Fave band(s)]: devotchkas
[Fave Friends]: rachel and jolene
[Fave sport(s)]: riding
[Are you in a relationship right now]: no
[Pepsi or Coke]: pepsi
[Beach or Snow]: beach for water, and snow for snowboarding, i cannot decide
[Rainy or Sunny]: sunny
[Square or Circle]: circle
[Dark or Bright]: bright

DO YOU...?
[Have a best friend, if so who?]: rachel, and jolene
[Speak another language]: hahaha I WISH
[Drive]: not legally
[Have a car]: nope
[Who have you known the longest right now]: out of my friends, rachel
[Who do you talk to online the most]: um that i dont know
[Who do you talk to on the phone most]: hahahaha rachel
[Who do you trust the most]: i trust my best friends
[Who listens to your problems]: rach, and jolene
[Who do you fight with the most]: um, i dont fight
[Who is the shyest]: ummm i dunno
[Who is the nicest]: not me
[Who is the sweetest]: hahaha uh
[Who is the funniest]: oh man rachel!!!!
[Who is the most outgoing]: bryan
[Who is the smartest]: that i really dont know
[Who is the ditziest]: all of us
[Who is the best singer]: me

[cussed someone out]: no
[stayed up for 24 hours]: yea
[gotten drunk? ] yes
[gone a day w/out eating]: i dont think so
[talked on the phone all night:] nope, i would fall asleep
[been in bed w/the opposite sex] yea
[smoked]: yes
[made prank calls:] yes
[been in love]: no
[slept all day]: almost
[killed someone]: no
[been out of the country]: yea
[told a guy/ girl you loved them]: haha yea
[if yes, did you mean it]: they are my friends, i love my friends
[gone skinny dipping]: no
[kissed someone you didn't know]: ummmm....
[thought you were going crazy]: yes
[threatened someone]: um i dont remember, maybe
[asked out a member of the opposite sex]: no
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