Mar 22, 2004 21:02
do dreams mean ANYTHING ... anything at all?
are they signs? (for anything)
or something like that.
i think im just one confused person and it sucks.
i get lost or daze off and have no idea whats going on.
but i love my friends for sure, and i know i can ALWAYS count on them... -most of the time at least-
do i know what i want... the other night at the party this guy asked me "do you know what you want to do" ... just as everyone else asks me that, and then i thought "i really have no idea"... but i have time to figure it out.
im sick, with a stupid sinuse infection. MAD BUGERS!
i have to blow my nose constantly.
ew. or i just sniff all wierd.
and breath loud, with are a weird sound to it.
im going shopping in beverly hills! YEEEYA that what im talkin' about! i dought i will buy anything, i have no damn money... prolly because i have no fuckin job.
jackie was gonna give me an application at ralphs, but i have absolutely no time right now, im like in the summer i will be able to.
i blame school, it takes up soooo much time.