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Dec 05, 2005 18:53

so ya...Chris = boyfriend! W00t W00t! im all smiles :) he makes me so happy. i hope there is a snowday tomorrow so we can hang out...that would be fantastic. today was really sucky up until about lunch time. choir was terrible. she spazzed because the flippin boys totally missed there entrance and dont know the words, and now shes threatening to cut a song. not to mention my voice was all crazy and i couldnt hit any higher pitches. i hate the auditorium i cant flippin hear myself. then third hour (lang) just sucks right now. it will be great when this week is OVER. no more Macbeth! scorebag! haha ok pardon that since none of you understand it...except for Kade n Em. but timed writing = way sucky. yuck. horrible prompt, i will be happy with a B-...and if you know me, that says a lot because im like obessesed with keeping all As...well not "obessesed" but still. lunch was good because there was no more timed writing...phew, and i got to see Chris which always makes me happy. my math quiz was like WAY easy. i think i got a 10 which would be rockin'...i totally fell asleep in history which was a bit embarassing but otherwise not bad. i am going to be a stockmarket master. so Kelsey was talking to me about how her mom chaperoned and was shocked about how kids danced and here kissing and grinding and stuff. Kelsey was like "its not like i was making out with people" and her mom said "yes, but i saw Darcy 'sucking face' with someone" hahahahahahaha. um ya. anyways. so today averaged out to be a good day :) tomorrow at lunch should be interesting though...everyones going to be all "awww" and i always find that annoying because its like "ok its not a big deal, everyone does it". but o well. hoping like crazy for snow day. if not then i hate winter. bah. i need to go for a run tonight.
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