(no subject)

Nov 12, 2005 00:57

tonight was super fun. went to the basketball game. they lost. it was kind of boring. Pat Worksma got jumped by three guys while he was on the phone with his mom, so all the big guys like poured out of the bleachers. it was crazy. the most interesting thing that happened the whole game though. they didnt find the guys who did it, which sucks. they would have gotten the crap kicked out of them, even Stacy Kalsbeek wanted to beat them up haha. there were also some really weird 5th graders dancing across the gym, so Mike and Seth went over and were like "Stop it. Just stop." and walked away. it was hilarious, but didnt really work. the dance was really fun. they played a lot of weird remixes. Emily skanked it up with many boys hahahaha. she was in a very dancey mood i guess. i danced with Chris Mann a lot. that was fun. hes a cool guy. on my way home, in Kady's car, this car swerved across 2 lanes right in front of us and flipped in to the ditch on the side of the highway. it was really, really scary. thankfully her dad stopped super quick so we didn't hit them. everyone climbed out of the car and nobody was really hurt thankfully. it was a couple juniors and a senior from our school. dumb jock boys. Kady handled calling 911 very well haha. they had her on the phone for a LONG time. i ended up getting home rather late because of that. i think im going to go to bed now, gotta get sleep so im energetic at Scotty's party tomorow. woohoo.
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