It's How The Hussel Goes, See What The Jukebox Knows...

Dec 16, 2004 23:44

"I Don't Seem Obvious Do I-I-I-I-I?"
-Jimmy Eat World

(^That is the part of the song im singing in that picture below, lol, I'm such a dickhead)

Today I went into town by myself to find something for Christmas for Mum and Dad. I didn't really see anything that I wanted to get them though. I saw a fair few people, had a bit of a chat, then got some lunch.

Just as I was about to catch the bus home at 2.10pm, I heard people upstaires yelling out my name, and it was Boswell and Timmy! I hung around with them for a while, and went for a drive. They are funny guys. Timmy dropped me home at about 3:30.

Desiree rang me at about 6 asking me to come to the movies with her, Boswell and Tim to see 'The Grudge'. It was pretty good, not as scary as it could've been though, because the cinema was full of youth, and everyone was just laughing and carrying on. Good times. Tim just dropped me home, for the second time today. Hehe.

Tomorrow I am just going to sleep in. I have to babysit tomorrow night (Friday), which is good, because I will have money to go out with on Saturday night.

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