Mar 09, 2006 10:18
Its been a while.
Whats new.
School has been very stressful. Last weekend i had a little breakdown. I want to quit. really, i do. I am completely burnt out on school. going to class, sitting there for sometime 2 hours straight listening to some know-it-all talk about why i should do this or that. I've never liked being told what to do, how to think, act, just isn't in my blood. i like being me, i like flying by the seat of my pants, not knowing whats going to happen next. if a plan doesn't work out, oh well...i can easily move on. i think i'm one of the few people that can do that with out feeling completely stressed out.
Last weekend i went home, only to leave the next day to drive my good friend mary to Boise. I got a speeding ticket. FIRST ONE EVER! i wasn't too happy about it. in fact, i was extremely angry. Not only am i worrying about my grades, and keeping them up, but my credit card balance with how much money i have in the bank to pay my credit card. So...100 dollars in my account and a 242 dollar speeding ticket...somehow that doesn't add up. so i'm freaking out.
As of right now...Its thursday, and i'm done with my classes, but i have a meeting at 7:30 where i have to create a powerpoint speech about mail-order brides. fun stuff, let me tell you. Now i'm in my room. Trying to relax, but all i can do is think of the million things i could or should be doing. why don't i do them? i have no energy. i am completely spent. Although, i did just have a glimer of hope...its snowing outside. (as opposed to inside) Small flakes gracefuly falling to earth, so simple, yet, brings a smile to my face no matter what.
Today when i was walking to class, there was a little bit of snow on the ground, and even that insignificant amount of snow, seemed to quiet everything...usually the hustle and bustle of students trecking to class, talking on their cell phones, or shouting to a nearby friend permiates a little murmer around the campus. not this morning though. it was quiet. and still. i love how snow does that, it stops everything.
Its my moms birthday today, so anyone who reads this and knows my mom, you should give her a call, she'd love it. She's stressed and exausted. Mostly because of my dad and the fact that he's lost his job. Its kinda funny, he's lost his job, so he can't give my mom the full amount for child support, but he can take is psyco girlfriend out to Davinchies down town...hmm...odd.
Well, this entry has been somewhat on the depressing side, but the term is almost over and i'll be home for a week doing nothing. not having to worry about anything. it'd be sweet if i got some spring skiing in...
much love.