Oct 30, 2006 13:51
Hey so yup, definitely just failed Religion. Man she fucking put a bunch of shit on the exam thatI DIDNT study and then nothing that I DID study!! Fucking pisses me off. Oh well, I don't even care anymore. I hate it here. It's too fucking hard for me. Im NOT smart! Seriously. I have 3 huge essays due next week. Have I started ANY of them?? NOPE! That's how much I care. I havent even started the novel that I have to read for one of them. Ha. This will be a FUN week. not. I hate school. Tiffany- I wish I was working!!! haha but I know what you mean about people taking our money. I hated when I worked and I was all like oh yay big paycheck and then it's like half goes to taxes, so it's not even big. ANGER! Anyways, and yeah Im always like okay ANYONE can get a job at McDonalds, so theres no reason that all those welfare people can't get a job. I don't care about those people. Lazy asses. Anyways, so yeah. What a weekend I had.. It was soo boring. Well not too bad, but I felt like I wasted my whole weekend, I pretty much sat at Robs all weekend and played Sims all day. No lies. That's exactly what I did. Lol. I should have been doing my work, but I didn't bring any of it to his house, and I so didn't want to go home. But oh well. I will just have to work extra hard this week, and Rob works this weekend, so I can get some work done. Hopefully. So yeah, that's all I did this weekend. Oh sorry, no I went bowling on Friday night, that was just SO much fun. I hate bowling. But Rob loves it, so we always go, every weekend he gets off. And I don't wanna tell him I hate it, cuz I would feel bad cuz he likes it. Oh well, I just go and shut up. It was funny tho, Jess got hit on by some creepy guy lol. She kept his number too, and shes like yeah I'll use it against Jon when we get in a fight. It was funny. We laughed. A.... OMG Heart-attack. I just did something and it deleted everything I just wrote. But I pushed undo and it all came back. omg I just about died lol. Freaky.. anyways, back to my boring weekend. So yea.. then we went to the dump on Saturday- yay! lol. and then grocery shopping on Sunday. Neat huh? Haha.. So yeah, Im bored. I have class soon, so I should probably be heading over there. But Im lazy. Maybe Ill be late today. it wont matter, i never learn anything in this lecture. Soooo... Man I miss my friends. I never see anyone anymore. Everyone else seems so happy. It sucks. I hate Queens. I hate school. I want summer to come. But not really cuz then I will have a job and not be able to do anything any ways.. Meh... I miss Rob. HEY!!! I almost forgot, it's my birthday tomarrow! yay. just goes to show how 'meh' Im feeling, didn't even remember my own birthday. Rob already gave me my present, as did mom and dad, so that leaves like.. no one else, that will be giving me anything for my birthday. So really it won't even seem like my birthday. Oh well. I'll be 18, it's not like it's a big thing though- not untill 19. That will be better. I hate this song. Ahh that's better.... Lips of an Angel. Ahhh such a good song. I could just die. Hehe I love Hinder. Ha I made a complete ass out of myself this morning. Had to get gas this morning, and Im not really good at it, so anyways, couldnt get the pump to work.. hottest guy ever had to help me.. It was horrible lol. I mean who doesn't know how to pump gas? Apparently me. Oh well, Im over it, it was funny. I love my ring. It's so pretty. I miss my baby :( I just saw him, but still. I can't wait to move out! I want to be able to see him allllll the time, every day. When he gets home from work, I want to be there. When I get home from school, I want him to be there. I cant wait. Well.. I should go. Byez ppl. Wish me luck in my incredibly boring history lecture!