Jan 19, 2004 21:11
You know, things have seriously changed for me over the years. I used to have a great deal of people that I surrounded myself with...always out doing something with someone, always having a good time. Now, I just kind of sit here and have no one to talk to and no one to laugh with. Things have certainly changed. The people who still consider me a friend, so to say, don't even really treat me that way now. No one includes me in anything anymore...no wonder I've become so distant and cold. I started to think about my past, and the more I think about it, the more I hate it. I went through my cellphone and deleted about 50 phone numbers of people who just aren't there anymore...or people who never really were there to begin with. Some one once told me there would be a time when I would be alone...I guess that's now. I even pushed that one person away. But who's to say they were really there for me to push away in the first place. Alot of things have changed now and so have alot of people that I've known for years. And they're gunna keep changing. But for better or worse, I don't know. But one thing I do know, I'm still gunna be the one here by myself. Alone in a dreamworld.