Jan 29, 2005 12:56
Wow! People seirously have no lives if all they do is talk about me. If you want to say something about me or tell me something say it to my friggen face! if you are trying to hurt me your not. your pretty much entertaining me! if you want to come up with something to gossip about come up with better shit!
Okay i feel better! Anyways our first game a TON of people were there but ya. I wasnt a starter but oh well! I still got to play! i thought i did okay i kept over shooting though! Then all of a sudden the fire alarm went off with 1:4o on the clock in the 4th quarter. We went into overtime and then we lost 16-19. I thought we all played good. "AA" won! YAY! Lol.
Schools been sucking latley. Tons of homework. I dont get into bed intil like at least 10:5o this last week. I have been really tired and i just realized i only have one free day a week and thats saturday..when i do all my chorse! BOOO!
FinDing NeMo Here i come! I get 2 see finding nemo on ice this sunday! YES! KICK ASS! I haev gone to every disney ice show in like history! I dont care if im the only teenager there thats NOT babysitting! Bostick said i should stand up and like have one of those light things and go "I LOVE NEMO!" really loud and pretend i'm someone who thinks there a little kid!
I just got back from having breakfest with Jack. Hes like my grandfather i have never had and my other grandfather that never comes. I love him dearly! Hes so funny! He bought me "Girls in Pants" The 3rd Summer of the Sisterhood. its the i am guessing last book of the Traveling Pants series. I love that seirs! I Swear i am going to finish it tonite! Well i have to go clean and get basketball shoes! TTYL LYL
Next Games: Monday Away vs. Madison
Tuesday Home vs. SCULLEN! I'm going to get u ASHELY!
pS. I love michelle and i miss her so friggen much and her hair too!!!!!!!