Crying...on the inside... ::tear::

Jan 18, 2005 14:10

(Note: I know this is long but the middle part that says "Lisa" is for LISA so if you dont want to read it then skip it! It wont be as long then!)
Sad Report Today:
On the 16th day of January I was informed by my mother, "If you dont pull your shit together Cait, you wont be allowed to use this computer for the rest of your time here in this house!" AKA in kid language I am grounded from the computer until i start to be more orgainized and my grades are all "a's" or something like that. She said ever since playing 2 sports at once has slowed me down and ect...But seriously i think i have another problem besides have epilepsy. I forgot stuff really easily and get distracted easily and ya... i swear i have like ADD or something. I took a survery asking me all these questions and 8 out of 10 of them were me. And they said if 3 or more of these are like you that may mean you have ADD. My mom thinks im being stupid or something but ya. I think i do...anyone else think so?

Well, i guess I cant really tell you any more details then that...I stayed home today because i was feelings really shitty like for 1 month and my mom said i should just "nip it in the butt". So i have been watching Napolean Dynotmite again...MTV Hits...Cartoons and ya...Kinda sucks. My mom went out to her nitting class thats how im on right now. Shes like "i can tell if you get on and stuff" so ive been extra careful not to get caught. I just wanted to write like a thing because i was tempted. Anyways, I probably will sneak on then and there and i'll probably work really hard to do good then after i get the computer back i will just go back to my ADD self. Lol.

Lisa, I really really love you and I want you to forget all the things that have happened in the past. Just worry about the future and make it a happy one! I hate it to see you sad. It makes us all worry. You have a lot of people that love you even if it may not seem like it. Ya parents and family are butts trust me I know how you feel. Some people wouuld jsut say thats how they should their love but I say its because they are having a bad day or just growchy, but they do love you. When your mom yells at you try to take what shes saying into thought and if it has nothing to do with anything just think about someone or something... But i just wanted to say this because i am ALWAYS here for you! I promise that we will stay good friends. I mean yea we may fight but doesnt everyone!? We aren't all going to be super nice each and every day. But also, helms loves you dearly, you know how you said Kevin likes me and stuff? well so does Helms. I swear on my life he does. He has changed and for what? YOU. He feels shitty for whats hes done and he really cares about you. I hope this makes you feel a little better because we all hate to see you sad. Your a WONDERFUL friend, sister, daughter, soccer player, basketball player, softball player, cross country runner, best friend, and young women. We all and forever will love you.

All of that goes for you too kevin, your a great guy...and I yelled at "you know who!" it was kinda funny and relaxing at the same time. I took everything out on him. Anyways kevin just replace lisa's name with that and MOST of that goes to you to (just take out the helms part and

Well I missed the guys LAST game today...Feel kinda bad and ya. I'm also kinda worried about tomarow. But today on my T.V. i discovered a great chanell/music station the "dance" station and the "retro-active" and "party favorites" and "hit list" love those stations! LOL well this is already a long entry! ttyl g2g lyl!!!!!! ta-ta!

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