hey sorry

Aug 10, 2004 23:42

hey sorry i havent written in lyke FOREVER....

well my bf[doug]..nd my 2 frendz..frankiee[hott!]
and this kidd eric..were juss at my house...for
like 4 hourz!..lol...so fkkin funn...frankiee..
iss soo fkkin funny..buhh weird..lol..nd kindaa annoying..me and doug were tryin 2 lyke juss have some alonee timee..lol..nd he kept runnin up 2 us nd shyt..buhh..i cant get madd at frankiee!!..lol...erics funnyy..and idk it was juss insane..buh i was the onlyy girl..lol..buhh thatz okayy..im not nervous around any of them..im juss ma selff..woah..i kept havin lyke spazzems it was soo funny......o yehh...and frankie livez close 2 me..so they are gnna ride there bikee 2 mahh house 2morow..nd itz gnna b insanee!<3..lol..i luv these kidzz.lyke craziee..and omgg....well eric kept tellin doug 2 go 2 second wit mee..buhh dougz soo fkkin nicee..and is lyke eric she isnt confortable..soo jusst stop..lyke i luv doug soo much..he will only do anything if im confortable..and im NOT confortable wit goin 2 sencond..so hes not even gnna try...omg..nd every1 thinkz me and him are relly gnna get married..omg i knoe this is weird..buhh i really hopee..lykee hes perfect <33...and omg..i have this lyke shedd and it was like 11:30...and frankie was like holy shitt..theres deff some1 in the shedd..and than i walk over..nd i got scared so i ran 2 doug..and im like omg whaa if theres really some1 in there..hes likee..o well..hes like whaa would u do..im like run..hes like no u would stay here and i would pretect you..im lyke what if they had a knife..hes like i would still protect u .. im like but he would stab you...hes like atleast he wouldnt stab youu...<3..omg i fuckin love him...<3...if i serioudly lost him..id fuckin KILL myself..uhh..hes the fukin best..i luv him.<3

well im gnna go.. x3..peacee*
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