Books & DVD's
Amazon wishlist: Clothes
Heart heart blouse in White or Black
Lace frill bolero in Red or White
Long Bloomers
Sweet Fruit Ribbon JSK in Red or Blue
Brand: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Melty Chocolate -> I will kill for this!!!
Wonder Party in any color or style - JSK's preffered
Angelic Pretty Heart Marine Blouse
Milky Berry in any color or style, white/pink JSK preffered.
Angelic Pretty Sailor School OP
モードガール A La Mode Girl any color or style
パステルアラモード Pastel à la Mode in any color or style
トゥインクル☆マーメイド Twinkle Mermaid in any color or style
マーメイド★シンフォニー Mermaid Symphony in any color or style
おさんぽキャンディちゃん Osanpo Candy-Chan in any color or style
エンジェルポニー Angel Pony in any color or style!
小鹿のミルキーちゃん Milky-Chan Faun in any color or style though pink and blue are preffered.Found, thank you!
小鹿のミルキーちゃん Milky-Chan in white or pink, any style
レディローズ Lady Rose in any color or style
ホイップマジック Whip Magic in any color or style
Miracle Candy JSK or skirt in blue or black
Puppet Circus in white or red, JSK, skirt or OP!
Chandelier skirt in white or red.
スウィートリボンストロベリー Strawberry Ribbon in any colo except yellow
夢見るマカロン Dreaming Macaron in any color or style.
お菓子の国 Country of Sweets in any color or style.
デザートコレクション Dessert collection in any color or style.
マリオネットGirl Marionnette Girl in any style, black preffered.
Wanted in mint or pink please!
Any color/style.
Ichigo Mille Feulle in any color/style.
Royal Poodle JSK - Pink or Blue preffered
Milky Chan Apliqué Coat
Brand: Angelic Pretty
Check Print High Waist Pinafore Dress in any color.
Sailor Tuck Flared Pinafore Dress in White or Black
Brand: Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Dutchess de Sade Jacket & Victorian Murning Skirt in Bordeaux!
Brand: Lip Service
Roseline Head Bow in Red
Ribbon Bracelets in any color and from any brand/offbrand
Usakumya Bag in White and in any size (except the mini mini version)
Strawberry Cake Bag in White
Brand: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Brand: L'est Rose
Magical Pony bag, white preffered.
Chandelier Socks in any color
Angelic Pretty Wrist cuffs
NOTE: I will NOT buy used socks.
Brand: Angelic Pretty
Lace tights
Lace gloves
Black lace veil such as this one
Brand: Sanrio, Hello Kitty
Brand: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Brand: Angelic Pretty
Brand: Innocent World
Ashia + The Wizard of Oz Limited Edition Melissa Shoes
Brand: Melissa
Shoe Size: USA7 EU37 UK4 JAPAN M
Baby, the Stars Shine Bright: (EU buyers) (Official Website, ships worldwide)
Angelic Pretty: (Official Website, Japan only) (English Website for international buyers)
Metamorphose Temps de Fille (Official Website, ships worldwide)