Jun 15, 2014 20:05
It's been 4 years since I've written in this place and can I just say that my grammar was complete shit back then. Well, I was only 14, my need to spell everything correct wasn't there yet. I seriously forgot I had this until I came across a note I left in one of my old ass folders back in high school and it was ideas for this fanfic I was writing. I was like, "omg I have a fanfic. How could I forget." That lead me to sign on to this (which can I say, I'm quite proud of myself for remember my username and password *pats myself on the back*), and literally cringed at the fanfics I wrote. I mean, they were so cheesy and typical, but hey I still loved them because they were my own little cheesy daydreams. I set them all to private because I just want to read them for my own, but that got me thinking about how this place is a great place for me to vent or just write about things. I know no one else will read these, and if they do and they can relate to me, then even better. I've had at least 10 diaries/journals in my life that I've told myself that I'm going to keep up, and I have never kept it up. Ha. Oh wells. But I can say that I'd like to try with this. But we'll see.
Until next time. Take care :)
life thoughts