Sep 27, 2005 22:23
haha omg black stinks.. cept i did catch up on some sleep! haha
so ya 1= chemistry.. we had a lab so it was k!
next was 3rd= test.. but i didnt have to take it haha i was gone tha day b4 so SLEEP
umm5th=.. omg tha best ever! drivers ed... umm lets see talked tha whole time went to lunch twice... i was w/ shawn, hillary, and blake parker tha whloe time!!
then 7th= spanish.. test then sleep!! haha.. so it was k
then after school had cheer.. we painted signs.. well i had to draw some! we have designated sign drawers b/c of some past incidences! haha
but ya tomorrow i have an hour and a half of cheer.. joy.. but ya we have to spend tha whole time cleaning tha mats cuz kaite strange has STAFF!! AHH.. ok sry flash back! haha that was tha worst infection ive ever had! ok so ya perinoid! but we have to spen most of tha time cleaning thos mats that she touched and all!
but ya this one guy i think likes me.. haha but i think im over that..
and ya marks all good!