i bought a metal yoyo yesterday for 30$ that was origionally 70$ IT IS A YOMEGA metallic missle and it has a berring in it for super long spins. its sweet. i bought it at cloud nine toy store in sudbury MA. its sweet its like growing up all over again. they have a BALLZACK, and all kinds of yoyos, and RC toys, and a 1/32 scale slot car track, which is pretty big usally slot car tracks are 1/64th scale. but yea like im back into yoyos, and its all because of my buddie tom that came home from burlington VT and brought an old yoyo home with him that we used to do home cometitions with. and he got me back into yoyo's so i went out and bought a professional yoyo
heres a link to it
http://yoyoplay.com/yomemi.htmlYESSSS, and no it wasnt 50$ or whatever
and tommrow i start my new hours so now it will be tuesday-Friday 8-4:30
saturday 7-3:30 sucky on the saturdays.