Jan 03, 2006 00:04
okay so it's officially the 3rd now.. winter break is over.
it's been a good break, one that didn't go by too quickly, filled with work & friends. it was a good balance.. definitely no time wasted. there wasn't a day where i had nothing to do, which at the time is kind of blahhh but i definitely wish i had at least one. just to relax and take some time off. christmas was okay. new years was much better. my friends are amazing. especially the time i got to spend with just ad cuz i never really see her anymore. thinking about the past year a lot, and despite the few regrets.. really just a couple of really personal ones, everything was okay. everything turned out right. and going over all the really great moment and days of this past year.. i really am lucky to have had so many.
passing my road test, senior license, defensive driving with hugo!, the play, the videotaping of the way to the play and the ride home, hershey park was insane, the concerts after, bear mountain, the day with ad, eman, & dvizz, junior prom, the beginning of stuart, nslc, the cheesecake factory, me getting away with my party 100% completely, scotttt.. idk that's definitely not everything, and that's amazing. everything right there. it all couldnt get better, and i can't imagine having new memories that would top any of those. and yes, i have my days to remove from this past year, one in particular.. well maybe two. and they are related to each other.. and just i don't know when it will stop. if you know me well, you could probably guess. but hey.. it's life, and i will get through it. i just don't want to take anything for granted, nothing more than i already have. i just can't believe it's all over. 2006 already? no way.. i can't believe it. it's all come down to this, right now, we're living it. everything will change soon enough and i don't think i'm ready for it. there's been so many times that i've wanted everything to end.. for high school to just end.. so i could just leave. but now.. taking a step back.. everything is so good, and i'm not ready to give that up. i haven't gotten into college yet.. so maybe i just wont and i'll stay here for a while.. hehe. wouldnt that be something =]
i really want to do spring track to be with everyone.. just idk it would hard. eh those that i care about know why. i'll figure something out.. because i will be there in some way.. somehow.
things are good. there's nothing really that i want, nothing more than i have right now. what more do i need? answer me that hehe
those moments.. never ever expected.. always right. always.. always.. right. no more explanation than that =] not needed..