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Apr 25, 2005 22:06

ahhh..well good morning to you all! lol im in computer class..haha it seems everytime i update now, im in computers!! well..duh! lol alright my weekend was fun..Re-cap pa-lease!well Friday: i wasted my whole day but ahh whatever its okay. i was FORCED to go to an Aretha Franklin was pretty lame everyone there was old & drunk and ughh..but it was a pretty cool setting overall. Saturday: woke up EARLY..which i totally dread..went to Paige's house from like 12-3 cuz she had to go to a wedding w/ Chris. So then, i waited until my parents got home from some latin festival @ cypress. Then, my mom took me to kim's house and we hung out on the cart & got yelled at by some cop, but hey, whats new? =) lol, kim, her mom & dad went to Japan was yummmmyyy!=) haha then kims parents took us to ryans and then we went to tc and kinda "branched off" ? yeahh lol we went to Jamba Juice and we bought like belts @ purple rain and i bought some hot sunglasses! kim..12.50$! lol whatever so then we were like bored off our butts so we got Prez to pick us up..then we went to this kids Vinny's house which was wierd..but yeahh and so we left n me n kim walked to Ryan's house were , me ryan and kim like past out on eachother for like 10 minutes or so..yeah it was greatt..then Kim & i rode our bikes home around 1..then got into bed..we were SO tired! yeah so next morning we woke up and my room is soaked..and when i mean soaked..i mean SOAKED! so my whole room isnt rlly a room ne more..doesnt that jst suck ?! yes it whatever people took my furniture out and me kim my mom and sis went to some diner and ate lunch. it was alright then we went to max's house and like i drove around =) then me n kim got dropped of @ ryans where we got pushed into the pool with our clothes on and everything..then kim dropped me off @ mi casa and then i got ready for passove in Boca i got some more BELATED presents and a nice was awesome! well..everythings going pretty good..considering...yeah u know ! but whatever lol alrite im gonna go ..bells gonna ring

NO SCHOOL FRIDAY 4 ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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