Sep 08, 2005 22:22
if only i could describe the wonder and amazment of this trip, and the hell that i went through to get there.
so this trip was planned a good 6 months in advance. i was to go with (a good friend at the time, but i don't think i'll talk to her anymore) my bar tender tomasina. i recomfirmed a million times.
so she says she has her ticket, and that she is going for sure... this was wed, and i was going to leave sunday night around 8pm. she doesn't have a phone, and i didn't know where she lived.
i have also been working on the ford escort for a few months and things were coming together at the last second once again. i got the car together once, and ran it... then it started spitting out a bunch of oil. i forgot to put in a head cam gasket. this is a simi important part if you don't want a car drained of oil in a matter of a block or two of driving. i take it apart once again, get that in, and start driving. i lose power steering. luckily one of the connections was loose. i walked to auto zone from my dad's shop and then back and dump more fluid in the car. then the bottom was leaking steering fluid. got that tight the best i could and the car was done. i go home and pack everyting up and wait for the call when tomi was ready to go... i waited untill about 10pm untill i went on a quest to look for her. i managed to stumble upon her residence at about 11 at night. beat on her door, and she answers it in amazement that i am standing there. i say what the fuck aren't you going, you told me you were. she just say's no... waves and closes the door. i was awfully pissed at that point, and i'm not an angry person, but i did want to through a brick through her window.
i came back around an hour later after talking to travis about what happened, and realized that she should have an extra ticket. i go to her house, and she looked even more confused. i asked her about the ticket and did a pretty good job at explaining how back she fucked me over. she said her friend had the extra tickets, and that she couldn't call her right now (i could understand that being it was 11pm at night) and that she had to tomorrow. i came back the next day, and she left an hour and a half after she said she'd call. she tells me she is going over to her house now... of course she fails to mention that she's going to work directly after this. i got stuck at home waiting untill 6pm. fucked up alot. got there and suprise suprise suprise... she's a lying whore... a term i don't use loosley.
i had to borrow 300 dollars. 100 from the grand parents, and 200 from pat my other neighbor. i had about 100 in my pocket pants that i took off when i was changing and getting ready.
my brothers friend, and someone i considered mine too, stole the money from the pockets. i think he got caught up in tweak or something. turns alot of good people into very bad people. we take him in, give him a place to live, and food. he turns around and steals from us. he also broke into my sisters room and stole a bunch of stuff from their room. managing as well to leave 3 shoe prints on a black sheet. this guy isn't the smartest... i can damn sure tell you that. everyone that came over that day had to show their shoes. no body had a problem with that at all of course, except for sean nollen. who got bent and didn't want to show his shoes. my brother forced up his leg and what do ya know, perfect match.
so i am driving for about 8 hours now on my trip. make it to sacramento before trouble hits. i am doing about 90 on the freeway... no cops at that hour, espectially in the middle of a truck route. a massive wind storm kicks up and while i'm driving, tumble weeds start coming accrossed the road. then out of nowhere... a fucking tumble weed, bigger than my fucking car flies accrossed. i swerve off the median and back onto the road... i'll paraphrase my reaction.... 'holly fucking shit... i almost fucking died.' about half the way down the hill i lose power steering. i got a crack in the steering pump... which is a bitch to get to. i work under the car for 2 hours in a storm and get the pump out with a cresent wrench and a philips screwdriver. i had some JB weld handy and managed to fix the pump. it only took an hour to get back in. a little while later a highway patrollman stops in to pay me a visit. i get a ride from him to the nearest gas station and get some power steering fluid... thank the gods. he also noticed my expired registration, but didnt say anything. that and he knew where i was going.
i get to the next gas station to fill up... not only was a 100 short from douchebag nollen, but i was missing another hundred. when i was working on the car i put the tools in my pockets, so i guess what happened was it came out with the tool and quickly flew away in to the wind, bye bye bye. i went to gas station after gas station bumming money of the other people getting gas. this is a hard feet to say the least, and especially between the hours of 3am and 6am.
around 9am i pull into reno and was going to make a call to let people know i was ok. didn't have change. tried to go into albertsons to get change. nope... they just have those stupid change despensers. i don't have enough to buy something stupid and get change to make a dollar fifty phone call that lasts 5 minutes from arizona. so i continue on my way.
i pull into burning man at about noon. thank the stars i'm still alive and that i made it. they welcome me home, and i go to set out and look for camp. spend about 4 hours around the playa and dig up information on where our camp is in registration. i still couldn't find them for the life of me. the camps weren't set up right so it was really hard to find shit. i ran into my friends from san diego by complete accident, and they toss some food and water, being that i brought none. also earlier when looking for camp i ran into a fairly cute girl named cookie... she was about 27... i'll talk about her in the next chapter ;)
i found my camp right before night fall, and slept in the car for lack of time to set up a tent. the night came to a rather fun conclution. i'll tell the rest of the story some other time, i thought i'd tell the hell that i went through just to get there.
the end... or is it?!? of course not.