Jun 21, 2006 22:39
Ms. Holcomb called me this evening and asked me if I would come to her wedding, August 5th at a place in Charleston at 6 in the evening. I was so thrilled that she just even asked me! Then she asked me if I would be the person standing at the door making sure everyone signs the guest-book as they walk in!!! So, I sort of get to play a very, very, very, small role in her wedding! I was so honored! She's going to ask Ashley Reed and Sarah to do something as well, I'm not sure what though! :) This means I get to go get a dress...nothing too nice or fancy, but I need something colorful, considering her colors are Canary Yellow and and light coral orange! Sunset colors! It's also the day of the Waugh Family reunion, but it should be way over before the wedding. This means I'll have to arrive at like...5 instead of a little shy of 6, but that's okay, I won't complain! :)
The last time I went to a wedding and had a role in it, I was one of the three Flower Girls in my cousin Candace's wedding when I was like...6 or something. I went to a wedding once with a friend of mine...when I was in 8th grade I believe, and it was beautiful. I know Ms. Holcomb though, and I KNOW this will be an unbelievably beautiful wedding. I'm so excited, I LOVE wedding's!
Gosh, today's been a good day. I took my mother to Wal-Mart and I found three movies, all 10 bucks each that I bought. *The Five People You Meet In Heaven*, *Troy*, and *Monster In-Law*. I had seen *Troy* but not the other two.
Lani's coming in too, and bringing Kira. She'll be here Aug. 1st-6th. I'm so happy...but at the same time stupified. Her plane lands in Pittsburg Pennsylvania lol. It was a big mix-up...and well if you really wanna know ask, because it's a long story and I sha'nt bore you all anymore.
<3 tons,