May 09, 2005 21:08
so its been quite a while, but im really in the mood to update.
ive decided to not date for a while because, sorry, but if you have a penis, you are automatically an asshole. not that girls are any better by anymeans, because we really arent. take the beast: she fucks her friends over and continues about her day-to-day life with no consequence whatsoever..people still love her, even with the being a complete whore and hypocrite, but who am i to judge?..i mean, i sleep around with every guy ive ever met..though, no, not really. thats another doing of the beast. what a precious little christian jewel!
im too cynical.
but maybe theres not enough cynical people to balance out the bullshit that plagues this country.
i debated gay-rights with my mom in the car yesterday..
i definitely won, and im proud of that.
my step-cousins are homophobes and i want them to choke.
plus, brittany got fat since the last time i saw her, so im a happy girl.
but back to the not-dating.
I think that im judging myself too much by who im with, and thats just no healthy. and honestly, i dont know any guy who i would actually want to 'date'. most of my close guy friends are either gay or too much like me..and that just doesnt work. also, im trying my hardest to stop being a stupid teenage girl and fight the norm, because thats what i like to do; make people feel uncomfortable until they accept change because goddamnit, change is way overdue for many of today's issues.
people at church are bribeing me to come to seperate "activities"(because one hour of deafening bullshit a week isnt enough)It seems like the enire church-going crowd have been watching me a little more closely lately, and i hate that, because they dont watch because they care about me, they care about the fact that someone has turned from the cult...i mean religion.
i think that people need to realize that life eventually leads to death and no one TRULY knows what lies on the other side of that line and its ok to disagree on that because its only human.