(no subject)

Jan 02, 2004 13:01

Work was cute today. This little girl said "When I was watching tv yesterday there was a boy and a girl and they licked each others' tongues. I would never lick a boy's tongue." Then she told me how her older brother stuck his "you know what" in his cake when he was younger.

I've been so happy the last two days. Like nothing that happens could upset me. Probably because I won't let it. Everything in my life is falling into place now and I'm really liking it. I have a good group of friends that are fun and my family and I are getting along better. I pretend like my health is perfect, because half of it is a mental battle. So life's good.

Big plans tonight, don't know what they are yet, but there will be some.

xoxo devon

ps darren is a friggin stud ;]
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