Mar 29, 2005 21:41
What/Who Was The Last...
Movie you saw:: Shawn of the Dead
Word you said:: Jeezzzeee
Thing you looked at:: Computer Screen
Girl/Boy you thought about:: I am not going to say
Stupid thing you did:: Said that someone was taking stuff.
Person you hugged:: Chris
Person you kissed:: Fuck if I know
Person you did something with that you wished you hadn't:: I'd rather not say
Something you did you wished you hadn't:: I'd also rather not say
Thing/Person you hit:: Last thing I hit was Mr. Sean Anthony. Whom asked my mom if he could beat me up.
Thing you touched:: Keyboard
Food you ate:: Buffalo Wings
Game you played:: Asshole
Sport you played:: Soccer
Extreme thing you did:: Everything i do in Bloom is EXTREME!
Place your finger has been that no finger should be in/on:: wtf are u trying to say?
Thing you stole:: a sticker?
Have been caught doing:: (not in the act).. smoking pot, drinking, almost having sex, smoking, swearing but that doesnt really count.
Party you went to:: oh jeesus.
Concert you went to:: Civic Tour
Song you heard:: Can't remember
Radio station you were on? 97.9x
Thing you told somebody:: that someone thought I was crazy, and I think he actually ment it?.. I don't get it, I don't get it one bit.
Thing/Person you made eye contact with:: I'm not sure
Thing you were scared of:: Worms
Alcohol you had:: Pabts Blue Ribbon
Thing you smoked:: a cig :(
Thing that was in your mouth:: my tongue?, my teeth?, my spit?!
Thing you did at school:: Talked to Cade, found Naomi and left.
Thing you threw:: myself.. idk
This or That...
Coke or Pepsi:: Pepsi
Beer or Wine:: I turned into a Beer Gal.
Vanilla or Chocolate:: Vanilla
Movie or Book:: Movie
Superman or Batman: Batman
Incredible Hulk or Spiderman:: Spiderman
Cat or Dog:: dog
Up or Down:: Down
Plane or Train:: Train
Green Eggs or Ham:: I'll be daring and pick the Green Eggs
Dr. Seuss or Dr. Doolittle:: Dr. Seuss
Left or Right:: Right
Pen or Pencil:: Pen
3 feet or a Meter:: 3 Feet
AM or PM: PM going into AM
AM or FM: FM
Mountain or Valley:: Mountain
Rock or Rap:: Rock
Optimistic or Pesimistic:: optimistic
Smart or Stupid:: smart
Blonde or Brunette:: brunette
Short or Tall:: For the opposite sex.. everyone is taller than me.
Inner beauty or Outer beauty:: Idk
Hot or Cold:: Cold
Summer or Winter:: Summer
Wet or Dry:: Damp? idk
Zebra or pancake:: Zebra or Pancake?? wow.
What's The First Thing That Comes To Your Mind When I Say...
Zoo: Deer
House: which
School: hell
Dryer Lint:: the hell?
Dog:: fog
Cat:: Blat
Skateboarder:: hot.
Biker:: Ehh
Rock:: fun.
Rap:: White boy rapper
Zebra:: what's with this Zebra?
Fast Food:: wendys
Church:: God
Sex:: Men
Boredom:: Bored?
President Bush:: should die.
Monica Lewinsky:: Ha.
What your feelings are now that you are done with this survey:: I am cold, and still wonder why he think's im crazy!