Nov 15, 2004 13:39
well i havent updated at all.. the past week i hungout with ashley<3.. :-), friday went to the movies with ashley and adam, we met DAN & DYLAN there! :-)<3 i love them! then we didnt feel like staying there cause it was to cold.. so we left and we brought sean home :-):-) and then we went to contempo.. me and dylan ate ashley whiped cream ;-) but shhh hahah! and there was definitly something wrong with dan, i dont know he said there wasnt but there DEFINITLY was, when me and ashley would go outside :-). we would dance infront of the window for dylan and then i danced for dan, cause i felt bad.. haha, "look instead of tree frogs, there tree rocks :-)"..awwww hes sooo cuteee!!!<3.. then after that we left there around 10 cause they had to be home at 10:30 and was that a scareyyyy ride.. haha! i feel a sleep after w brought them home, well sorta.. i was just mehh.. then we got to adams, and ross was waiting for us, then we just all hungout downstairs, watched some t.v, and right after me and ash got comfortable.. adam made us get up and go in the trailer, i hate when he does that.. and right when im warm in the morning he comes and gets us to come inside.. ahhhh i hate it.. haha!! then saturday morning me and ash just sat watched tv, after a bit, i wanted to go outside, so me and ash went outside, and played in the snow, and threw around a football, and i slamed her in the snow, and well she did it to me too, i didnt know one time.. haha, its ok i still love her.. i was soo cold after haha but it was soo much funnn!! RIGHT ASH!?!?..then after adam was all done we left, i went home and then, later on ashleys mom and her, came and got me and we headed to sean's birthday party!! that was soo hotttt!!! haha.. i saw DAN & DYLAN again i like flipped when i saw dylan haha! i dont know why either.. and then most of the night we all just hungout, sean was all over the place, haha he told me he wanted to have sex with me, haha i love that boy!!<3.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEANNNN!! I LOVE YOU!!<3. dan kept giving me hugs, and then i would randomly give him hugs too, awww hes soo cuteee!!!<3we got to see RYAN & ANDY'S BAND play, i missed that, haha.. i head banged and ashley watched and laughed at me, haha it was great, adam came somewhere in between all that.. and we left around 11, andy gave me a nice long hugggg!! i love that kiddd ahh i missed him so much!!<3. and ryan haha that was weird, i just went to wave bye and he held his arms open and he gave me a big hug!! i was soo happy, aaww hes soo cuttee!! haha!! anyways, the party was awesomeee.. i saw trina she tryed talking to me, but i dont know what to do, i wasnt to happy with her, and i d k i just need sometime i guess to think.. hmm, i saw zack too he gave me a nice hug, i love when people hug me and rub my back.. haha i missed zack.. haha me and ashley tryed to remember his dance that he usta do, but i couldnt remember and i still cant and its bothering me still.. haha he did a bunch of little moves to try to figure it out.. that was hottt may i add.. haha ;-) muahaha!!<333. well then we headed to ashley house, and we slept there for the night, i made her bed haha i dont know why, haha.. anyways we slept, got up, went online, chilled, and then we went in here room, talked alott that was nice to do, seeing i never really talk to her alone in person that much.. haha well i do.. but i dont.. haha yeah.. me and ash definitly have A.D.D, we get so off track on things that we do.. it was soo funn though<333~ then i came home, and found out that someone delete my fucking used video MY FAVORITE ONE TOO!! :'( i was so sad, and i almost cryed, well then i was gonna go in the shower, but i didnt end up going, cause ashley started talking to me, haha we looked up alot of the used videos she sent me alot, i burned her the last two cds, and a mix that she says she loves ;-).. then i made dylan a mix, and then i just sat and talked to ashley most of the time, i talked to dylan :), woot. and others but i have to go bells gonna ring.. I LOVE YOU ASHLEY THANKS FOR EVERYTHING!!!<33333