DOO THISSS *Stolen from Nikki*

Dec 27, 2004 19:08

If..If you do this for me. I will make you Pretty little cupcakes with sprinkllesss on top..!
Do this Anonymously

1. One secret.
2. One compliment.
3. One non-compliment.
4. One love note.
5. Lyrics to a song.
6. How old you are.
7. How long we've been friends.
8. And a hint to who you are.
Post 3 things you like about me.
Post 3 things you dislike about me.
Tell me something you've always wanted to tell me.
Tell me something no one else knows.
Recommend a book, movie, song or music artist.
Tell me what you did today.
Tell me about your plans for the future.
Tell me what the most important thing in your life is.
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