This weekend has been great so far. Friday i hung out with Nick, Ashley, Kyle all day long. We went to La Posta and talked to these old grandpas hahah it was sooo funny. I had these bouncy balls in my shirt as like nipples and i forgot about them and i was talking to the old grandpas for the whole time with them in there and didn't even know haah
Then we went to Ashley's brother's show.
Then we all four spent the night at Kyle's dad's house. It was so much fun. I loved being able to wake up next to Nick. :)
Then this morning we ate begal's at this place and drove to the swap meet.
Then we went and hung out at Nick's. We started watching A Clockwork Orange but i was tired and i fell asleep on the couch so me and Nick went and took a nap in his room. It was the best.. we fell alseep in eachother's arms.. i loved it. Me Ash and Kyle drove home then.
Now i'm really happy cause Abbie called and we are gonna have Brady drive us up to Nick's and we're gonna eat dinner with them. :):):):) yay
Gonna go get ready.
I love you Nick
Kyle and Nick in Kyle's car
Awww Nick <3
Nick <3
I didn't know Nick toook this until like 5 minutes ago.