Oct 03, 2005 20:48
HoMeCoMiNg TwO ThOuSaNd AnD fIvE
has officially came and gone :[
Greg and I ended up going with Miss Emmy Lou Kramer and Mr Phillip Reske
it was quite a busy day, I went to Hilarys house around 10 with Ashley and Heather.
Hilary did an amazing job on my hair ♥
at around 3 I went to Emilys to finish up getting ready.
Greg got there around 3:45, and Phil was tardy haha...
so we hurried through pics, and went to mollys for some more:]
my best friend looked gorgeous by the way :] ♥
then we were all off to Champs
Phil had the biggest hamburger I've ever seen
we had some time to kill after so we went to my house to see my dad, and to Gregs so his mommy could see us && took some more pics
then it was off to dance the night awwaayyy!
oh gosh I had so much fun:D
I also must add that Phil Muszynski's dance moves were amazing!
the girls and I got a little crazy on the dance floor ♥
oh man oh man I could go on and on...
afterwards we all went to Mills' house, that was funnnnn:] i love my friendies
then Greg and I came back to his house and went to beddy by
over all it was an amazing night:] by far the funnest dance so far.
geeze oh man, we only get one more homecoming after this:[
I hope everyone had a great homecoming:]
oh yeah, and sluts need to watch what they do...I will kill you hahaha ♥