Dec 24, 2004 12:19
Hey ppl It's Christmas EvE and I am in soooo much pain... I went snowboardin with Stacy yesterday and wiped out on the big hills and I am paying for it today... owww, but I learned soo much yesterday... I am soo happy I got to hang otu with Stacy, did I tell you I seen steve there that was koOl I seen HiM on the JuMpZ he is pretty GooD! Sooo post me a comment and tell me what you are up to kk? I am still in soo much pain in the neck and shoulders and my BuTT too... well BiG ChRiStMaS PaRtY today how BoRiNg!! It's just a bunch of family like about 62 ppl gathering round and lOOkinG at me like I'm not there... OoOoOoOo FuN FuN, NOT!!! I need to go jump in the ShOwEr before everybody gets HeRrRe! I am sooo talkative today... maybe it's b/c I am suPpPpPeR BORED! I need to clean up my RooM and do a bunch of stuff before ppl get here so nice talkin with ya... oh and guess what else I did yesterday.. one time that I got OfF the ChaIr LiFt I fell and when I sat up the chair lift hit me in the head! BiG bUmP that turned out to be! OUCH! Anyway when I got to Stacy's we went SlEdInG and we went down the STAIRS on the SLED! and hurt our ass's reaLLLy bad, I dont want to bore you so ttyl! I need to go take a AdvIl!