My mom randomly emails me today saying she got a dog, a 6 week old rat terrier. The thing is so ugly it's cute.
Apparently patches is freaked out because the dog doesn't shut up (what can you expect from a dog half my cat's size). Patches is also very emotionally attached to the family; she tears her hair out when people are gone for long periods of time or she doesn't think she's being given enough attention. Now that Patches has to share attention with a yap dog, she's going to go practically bald. I told my mom to make sure Patches doesn't drop the dog in the pool.
What I don't get, is that my mom complains about having to take care of my cat while I'm away, but she wants to get another pet, let alone a puppy that requires training? She's been waiting to kick patches out ever since I started college. My mom is like a Tokyo girl too, she hates big dogs, but prefers little lap dogs. In reality, my poor younger brother is going to wind up being told to feed and walk the thing.