Sep 16, 2008 14:54

Yes, I'm alive. I'm freaking tired though xD.
The plane ride was kinda crappy. I didn't sleep more than like, 2 hours total from Atlanta to Tokyo. There was a monitor on the back of the seats that you coul watch movies and monitor the progress of the flight. i woke up from the first nap and was like "ah.. missouri." second nap : "washington..okay" and then third nap: "wtf. alaska?!" and then like FIVE hours of just staring at ocean. fucking ocean. i don't wanna look at the ocean for a very long time. And then when I get to Narita, I wasn't on the list of kids to be picked up! I got there and the Waseda kids were all confused and calling people to figure it out. Made me feel kind of retarded. That, and all the other kids who'd arrived already sure weren't going to talk to me: it was 14 students from the same school in Beijing. But eventually I met a kid from Atlanta and a girl from... Reston! Haha. We took a train into Tokyo..and I was so tired at that point I felt kind of like I was dreaming. It didn't feel like I was here until we got on a different train to Takadanobaba and I was crammed in with a bunch of people (feeling like we were being glared at because we had our carry on luggage) and looking at the city lights.
My dorm room is awesome. I'm on the 12th floor=awesome view. Beautiful. It's a little bigger than Dwight's room I think, and I have a fridge and a bathroom (the shower is still communal). I went with Gabriella, the girl from UVA/Reston to grab supplies like toilet paper, and then we wandered into a random noodle shop. The owners were ADORABLE. I guess they're used to international students coming in since they're really close to our dorm, and they were friendly. And surprisingly we chatted with them a bit, which I didn't think I'd be able to do. But I've noticed that I can understand the students who brought us to campus for the most part, and I could undertstand the lady at the shop. Awesome dinner. I crashed right after at about 8pm, only to wake up about an ho ur ago. so... not much sleep going on.
One thing I appreciate so far is that I haven't had a Japanese student run up to me and start blabbering away in English. They talk in slow Japanese so that I can answer in Japanese, and turn on the english only if i can't do it. But i've been alright surprisingly. Not that I've been here that long..
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