omg..i had the shit scared out of me today. or rather me and charlato. i was pulling out of csm onto 231 and like...the road was clear. there was a truck like waaaay back. i started to go and i swear the truck like, accelerated or something. but he almost hit me...and like he was like feet away from smashing into me from the drivers' side. so instead of slamming the breaks i floored the gas into the grass on the opposite side. i was really glad i did that too cuz he just missed me. and the bastard didn't even slow down or try to see if i was alright, despite the fact he fuckin ran me off the road. charlene is my wasn't my fault cuz he was definitely far away when i started turining onto the road. was so scary though. i swear trucks hate my car. that's like the 4th truck that's tried to hit me.
last night i found out we have asses for neighbors. one of them (we don't know who) called the cops because we had cars that weren't parked in our driveway? they said it was "a possible traffic hazard." first of all, we had people over to help unpack, meaning yes, more cars than driveway space. second of all...we live in a court. and we weren't in the middle of the court, we were along the curb. i didn't realize there would be mass traffic in front of our HOUSE that we'd be blocking. dumbasses.
i was in a big bitchy mood today. like thomas said, i prolly woke up on the wrong side of the bed? i dunno. i just know that life in general annoyed the hell outta me. i wouldn't let heath hug me...i got really annoyed by like EVERYONE at lunch while i was trying to read...i wanted to snap at ramon during psych to stop being so damn girly... and at csm the compy hated charlato's cd's and therefore i got none of them done. i wanted to scream at everybody. i came home and took a long nap. just woke up an hour ago. i'm still grumpy as hell.
i wanted to get charlato to take pics of me today, but after the whole almost getting smashed by a truck dealie, i guess we forgot to do it. so i once again tried my phone...but yeah. phone cams suck.