Oct 02, 2010 16:47

Sticky Post #01.

Please comment if you download [how? click "SPEAK." under the tags.], or no more Chae Yeon goodies I will make this journal FRIENDS-LOCKED.. which means I will only allow livejournal-users who have friended me to see the posts.

I have to pay an addition sum of money for every GB over my dl/ul limit o___o.. so please don't just leech and leave without saying a word.



Confused and wondering how the hell do you play .001, .002, .003 files or what you're supposed to do with them?  Or how to get soft-subs to appear?

For .001, .002, .003, etc., files.

1. Download ALL the .001, .002, .003, etc., files and make sure you keep all of the file names the same for now and put them in the same folder.
2. Download HJSplit.
3. Open up HJSplit, click "Join".
4. For the "Input file", select the first file - the .001 file. (Note: The program will automatically find the rest of the files, unless you named them differently - then it won't work. o_o)
5. Click Start.
6. Wait for the progress meter to reach 100%.

Done -- the file should be done being put back together.

I've joined the files together but I still can't play the file..

Maybe you're missing the correct codecs -- try downloading the K-Lite Codec Pack.

Try downloading GOM Player -- it plays most files and already has most codecs. For some really HQ files (usually .tp) where the audio is off or it makes weird random pauses when using GOM Player, try downloading VLC Player.

How do I get the soft-subs to work?
I recommend downloading and installing VobSub first to play in Windows Media Player, or using Media Player Classic or Gom Player.

Make sure when you download the soft-sub file, that both the video and .srt file have the same filename and are in the same folder.

ie.  If you name the video file Chae Yeon file.avi and the sub file Chae Yeon, the subs will NOT work.  It will work if the video file is named, say, Chae Yeon.avi  and the sub file Chae , then the subs should appear.

The text here is too small!  How do I make it bigger?

If you have a mouse with the thing in the middle that scrolls up and down, hold Ctrl and move the.. scrolly thing down at the same time (rolling it up makes the text smaller). =]
To voice any other questions or concerns -- please leave a post here by clicking on "Speak", PMing me on forums, or e-mailing me at


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