1st day back at school

Jan 03, 2006 15:04

I HATE SCHOOL. all day all I could think about is sitting at home watching movies and playing games......sleeping past 6:30 IN THE MORNING. and I miss all my cousins! ugh school sucks. we just got back to school and theyre already preparing us for exams. which Im sorat happy its coming up soon cuz man do I hate geography. I'll finally be done with that class after exams.

Today, THE FIRST day back I get in trouble in geography. shes so gay. Some1 asked me a question and I turned around and said "what?" and she goes "BRIANA! are you working on your worksheet?" and I'm like "yes" and she goes turn around ALL the way in your seat" and I was like "OOO K" (like saracastically/meanly, sorta. like the way Id say ok to mom if she was yelling at me for something stupid. She makes me so mad. I mean seriously how could she hate me so much? I swear she really does hate me. ugggghh anyways...

ohh so then...Adam, I was listening to my CD player with some of my new CDs and I got caught twice. Ive NEVER been caught with my CD player before ...NEVER. how is it that the first day back I get caught twice?

well that was my GREAT day. uhh...I guess I'm gonna go fix my hair cuz its all denty from my pony tail. ohh and which btw I got many complements on even tho it was in a ponytail. every1 yelled at me and said to put it down. but after its in a ponytail I'm not putting it down till its straightened again. + I was too lazy to make it look good down this morning. I'm not used to getting up early yet.

alright well thats it I guess...
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