Jun 14, 2005 15:00
my brother was being super gay today cuz my mom treats him like this little prince who gets whatever he wants. He's like ordering me around telling me I have to make him grilled cheese and scammbled eggs and all this other stuff....which more than half I don't even know how to make!
(Pat the grilled cheese thing I blame u for cuz u ALWAYS made that for us, haha)
And if I don't do it he calls my mom and she says if I don't make him what he wants I'm grounded and I don't get payed for watching him and my sister!I absolutly HATE kids! excpet my little cuzin CALEB! <--U really can't hate that kid. He's so0o CUTE!
I guess thats all today. possibly updating 2marrow on my driving! :0
<3 Bri <3