Life on Mars is freaking addictive. Yet again I turned on my computer to watch ONE episode and end up watching three instead. And now I have only one left (on my hard disc, I mean), I need to download the rest of 2nd season asap. As a matter of fact, I'm already doing this. And then on with Ashes to Ashes, hee! :D
Thank you,
waeter. Another obsession is clearly welcomed ;P
P.S. Do I have to mention that I absolutely ♥ music used in this series? Because I do.
P.S.2 I just spent, um, some time looking for Bubastis furry porn on
Rule34. It
does exist, of course (if it didn't I'd lose my faith in fandom ;P). Now I can spam (cause there's more of it! ;P) the guy who put this traumatic idea in my head in the first place. Hey, I won't be the only one with their brain damaged here. Woo-hoo, Watchmen porn! xP
As for the movie itself - well, I liked it, surprisingly enough. Obviously, there are parts of it I don't like very much, especially in comparison to the graphic novel, I was glad I went with a comics-knowing friend I could just rant about it with right after and I don't have to do this here ;P Have
the opening credits video instead, it's just so cool (and perfect in every single way: from how it manages to convey so much background info in about 5 minutes through visuals to the music choice. A+.)
Thing that makes me kinda mad though...? People going 'OMG, Rorschach, he's soooo cool, he's the real hero!!!!111!!!1!11' and making Ozymandias some kind of a supervillain all over internet forums. I blame Mr. Zack Snyder for this. Way to miss one of main points of the story - and one of the reasons I like it so much; the lack of a simple black & white distinction. Really.