*le fangirl squee*

Jan 12, 2008 00:09

Ooooh! I've just finished reading the drabbles posted by vixen_of_light - and two od them were written for me:

Sirius/James & William/Otto

*does her happy dance* And they're absolutely fantastic.

Girl, you made my day :D You know... If you'll ever feel the need of writing something more - especially about William & Otto (and maybe even Sacharissa), coz the world need more stories about them, as there are hardly any right now - DO it. I'd offer you my first-born child if not the fact I don't plan to have any... plus, it seems like you're not a child-person as well. Well, I'll give you something anyways :D

In other words: dear friendlist, go, read them- all of them- NOW! ;D

* * *

In other news? My family officially thinks I'm insane, thanks to gantar and her stupid links. Thank you, Zuza ;P

But that doesn't count as the 'news'... does it? xP

fanfiction, discworld, harry potter, slash, crack

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