Since your lives are obviously so boring - I'll entertain you a little

Dec 02, 2007 08:26

Yesterday me and Brad got our invites to GTK. There is this black guy in their guild who is SO funny. He talks like Boxy Brown from ATHF except about WoW. He's so fucking smart about the entire game dynamic though. I ended up talking to him until 8am >.< about mage shit and raiding shit. He gave me some sound advice which I took.

Since I was up until 8am, when the time rolled around to do Sushi I was actually pretty wiped and I didn't want to wake up =X Much less wake up and go out in the freezing ass cold. However I was starving and I really wanted some sushi. I know I was a little quiet and reserved tonight and I'm sorry if I wasn't good company. I know we didn't stay too long either but I was just really tired.

When I came home I immediately took a bath to warm up. I didn't even want to get out haha I wanted to stay in there and just take a nap and be warm. But I know that I'm on a trial period with GTK and I wanted to be there in case they needed me for Kara or ZA or anything really. I'm really glad I did because they did end up needed me for Kara and I got to show off a little. It felt cool that they were so impressed. The officer I ran with must have told all the other officers how well I did because another one came on Vent afterwards and told me that I did a really good job and gratzed me. I cannot friggin WAIT to do it next week!

The final boss fight in Kara (Prince) is a HUGE rush! There is so much going on around you and at one point we were all surrounded by AOE (lots o' damage for those who don't know) and had the smallest space to stand in. Just imagine 9 people collapsed onto one tiny space, knowing that if they move in the slightest they could die. Woo! I think that was the fight I really shined on because it was my first time and even though there was so much shit that could kill me I did well and didn't die until the very, very end.

After that I hung out on Vent and chatted with everyone, played my priest alt a little but I'm still really exhausted so I'm gonna turn in.

Some of you may say damn... this whole post was about a game? Well - yeah it was. But if you notice it was all super positive things. There was no drama. There was no bitching/complaining. There was no hypocracy nor was there any two-facedness. Today was a really fucking good day and everyday that I don't have to listen to any amount of bullshit from anyone is a good day. 8 million other players can't be wrong.

In closing I'll just leave you all with a quote that I heard what seems like ages ago yet it still rings clear in my mind.

Suck it up, or go home.
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