(no subject)

Oct 04, 2005 22:25

random shit you either know or don't care to know

1 [YOU.]
+your name:xbrandonx
+ your gender: dude
+ age: 21 and still don't drink
+ height: 6-1
+ hair color: brown
+ eye color: blue
+ your location: x502x

Section 2 [HAVE YOU EVER]
+ cheated on someone? nope
+ fallen off the bed? Yes
+ fallen for a relative? I know this is KY but hot damn
+ had plastic surgery? no surgery at all
+ broke someone’s heart? not as much as mine
+ had your heart broken? all the time
+ had a dream come true? don't really dream
+ done something you regret? no
+ cheated on a test? yes
+ been raped? if you answer yes then you need to be caling the police
+ broken a body part? slight fracture in my left wrist once

sept 4
Section 3 [ CURRENTLY]
+ wearing - boots, Strecth arm strong shirt green pants
+ listening to - nelly - sweat
+ chewing - my tounge, I do it all the time out of bordom
+ feeling - answered
+ reading - email
+ located - home
+ chatting with - ashlie
+ watching - mummy returns is on in the living room
+ should REALLY be doing- getting ready for bed

Section 4 [DO YOU...]
+ brush your teeth? Yes
+ like anybody? yea
+ have any piercing? how many? only have 2 in. conch and cock. I can still get like a 6ga in my lobes probably and a 14 or 16ga in my cartlidge
+ have tattoos? how many? 6 2 stars fire and water, 2 kanji (strenght and purity) False hope with a scooner (AN inspired) and DRUG FREE
+ drive? 2002 SE-R spec V
+ believe in Santa Claus? na
+ ever get off the computer? It stays on.

Section 5 [Friends]
+ who is your best? not sure
is the loudest? me
+ who is the shyest? me
+ who is the 'hottest'? me
+ who is the cutest? me
+ who laughs the most? me
+ who have you known the longest? me
+ who have you known the shortest? not me
+ do you belong to a crew? family
+ do you hang out with the opposite sex? no
+ do you consider yourself POPULAR? no
+ do you trust your friends? until the fucking end
+ are you a good friend? I hope so, but I can't answer this
+ can you keep a secret? most of the times

Section 6 [ THE LAST PERSON YOU...]
+ hugged - ashlie
+ gave EPROPS - lol, probably someone on the nissan board
+ IMed - ashlie
+ talked to on the phone - mom
+ yelled at- myself
+ tripped - lol, dunno
+ turned down - I guess I turned down the car club going to the show?

Section 7 [PERSONAL]
+ What do you want to be when you grow up? - Straight fucking edge
+ What was the worst day of your life? - everyday is wrose then one the one beore
+ embarrassing story? - don't have one
+ What has been the best day of your life? - dunno

+ Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? - yea
+ extra set of eyes were would you put them? on the end of my penis
+ What do you usually think about before you go to bed? talking to ashlie

Section 8 [ FAVORITE . . .]
+Movie: at the moment - American Beauty
+ Song: anything by AN
+ Group: AN
+ Store: thehardcorestore.com
+ Sport: whatever I'm playing
+ Vacation Spot- anywhere but here
+ Ice Cream Flavor: better pecan
+ Fruit: doesn't matter
+ Candy: whatevers vegan
+ Holiday: current
+ Day of the Week: anyday I don't work
+ Color: cobalt blue
+ Magazine: www.nissanperformancemag.com
+ Name for a Girl: shaniquia
+ Name for a Boy: semore

Section 9 [ DO YOU . . .]
+ Like to give hugs? - I'm a good hugger
+ Like to walk in the rain? - if I'm being emo
+ Sleep with or without clothes on? - depends on the temp. Anything from pants and socks to buck naked
+ Prefer black or blue pens? blue
+ Dress up on Halloween? - yeah, I would like to be david hasselhoff this year
+ Have a job? - yea
+ Like to travel? - ROAD TRIP
+ Like someone? - yea
+ Sleep on your side, tummy or back? -back/side
+ Think you're attractive? - I'm on my feet most of work
+ Want to marry? - eventully
+ Have a goldfish? - no cats
+ Ever have the falling dream? - yea
+ Have stuffed animals? - yeah
+ Go on vacation? - been a while

Section 10 [ WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT . . .]
+ Abortion: agaisnt, HOWEVER its not my choice to make so it should be legal.
+ Bill Clinton: was a very good president. Kept gas prices down and took care of what needed to be took care of and still made time to get head every now and again.
+ Eating Disorders: I eat too much
+ Suicide: try not to anymore
+ Summer: AC
+ Tattoos: got em love em want more
+ Piercing: got em and I dno't want more
+ Drinking: sucks
+ Guys: put up with too much shit from ^

Section 11 [ THIS OR THAT]

+ Pierced nose or tongue? - tounge, serves a pourpose
+ Be serious or funny? - funny
+ Single or taken? - take
+ Simple or Complicated? - complicated
+ Law or anarchy? - mixed
+ MTV or BET? - neither
+ 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? - neither
+ Sugar or salt? - sugar
+ Silver or gold? - Silver
+ Tongue or belly button ring? - tongue
+ Chocolate or flowers? - chocolate
+ Color or Black-and-white photos? - Black and White mostly
+ Sunrise or sunset? - Sunset
+ M&M's or Skittles? - neither
+ Rap or Rock? - rock
+ Stay up late or sleep in? - stay up late
+ TV or radio? - TV
+ Hot or cold? - hot
+ taller members of the opposite sex or shorter? - about equal
+ Sun or moon? - moon
+ Diamond or Ruby? - ruby
+ Left or Right? right
+ 10 acquaintances or one best friend?- one best friend
+ Vanilla or chocolate? - vanilla
+ Kids or no kids? - kids, eventully
+ Cat or dog? - cat
+ Half-empty or Half-full? - half empty
+ Mustard or ketchup? - ketchup
+ Newspaper or Magazine? - zine
+ Spring or Fall? - fall
+ Give or receive? - recive bithces!
+ Rain or snow? - rain
+ Lace or satin? - YES YES YE
+ A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship? - sex..duh
+ Happy or sad? happy
+ Corduroy or plaid? - lol, what awful choices
+ Wonder or amazement? - wonder
+ McDonald's or Burger King? - neither
+ Mexican or Italian food? - mexican
+ Lights on or off? - on
+ Duct tape or scotch tape? - duct
+ Candy or soda? - candy
+ A house in the woods or the city? - woods, but not far away from the city
+ Pepsi or Coke? - Pepsi
+ Nike or ADIDAS? - whichever doesn't use leather on what I'm buying

+ Do you go to church? - rarly
+ Do you like church? - most
+ Why or why not? - very accepting even with my piercings and tattoos
+ What's your favorite kind of tree?- shaddy
+ Out of all of your friends, who has the coolest house ? - I'm fine with my house
+ when you look at a person with lime green tights on, what's the first thing that comes to your head?- have I don't that before?!?!
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