Vocab Drabbles II

Sep 14, 2010 00:22

Title: Vocab Drabbles II
Characters and Pairings: AmericaxRussia, HRE, Germany, Prussia, Colony!North America, AsaKiku, Franada, Spamano, Bad Friends, Hungary, Spain, ChibiRomano, England, Canada, N. Italy 
Rating: PG+
Warnings: Maybe a few grammar errors and a slight bit of cursing
Summary: Drabbles that range to romantic, angsty, humorous, and more. Each one containing one vocabulary word from a list I need to know before the quiz. Expand your learnings with the help of Hetalia.
A/N: These ones are a bit longer than my last ones and they also seem to have more pairings. I also wanted to post my last quiz score on here but my teacher lost my quiz....

15. America x Russia, England - Apropos

He had it all planned out, everything that he would say neatly laid out on four notecards, highlighted with specific phrases and terms he would avoid and include in his little speech.

“…apropos with my previous statement, you need to consider the effects this will have politically, especially concerning your country’s current state…” It was working, he knew it was. Alfred had even stayed fairly quiet during the conversation. England clenched his hand around his phone in victory, picturing his face on the other side of the world. Apologetic and understanding. “…In summary, please remember that you are more than just a country and do what you believe to be right.”

Oh yes he had gotten through.



Or maybe he had failed as a parent.


16. Holy Roman Empire, Germany, Prussia - Depose

He now knew what it was like for a country to die. He imagined that this wasn’t what a normal death felt like, no this was a death especially reserved for their kind.

They had deposed him with their victory and now all he could do was stare at the sky and feel his insides dissolving.

Oh, but what about Italy, I promised her.

He could feel his people die, divide, and separate and it felt as though his heart was burning and his lungs were shrinking.

What of… that girl?

Everything was fading, nothing flashed before his eyes, instead everything fell to darkness.

What about…

“Kid?” He opened his eyes. There was a man leaning above him, his hair as white as snow, and his eyes bright and wild like fire.

Where am I?

17. Colonial America, Colonial Canada - Ecstasy

Alfred woke up to a chill and the shifting of the person beside him. His eyes fluttered open only slightly to see the fire had gone out on the other side of the room. His small hands rubbed at his bright blue eyes groggily before turning his head to see that Matthew was on the edge of the bed, on his knees, staring outside the window.

The Canadian hadn’t said much since he had started staying in Alfred’s house, and even though they had formed a small pact and become closer friends Matthew still didn’t seem to comfortable expressing himself too much around his older brother.

Yet pure ecstasy was etched all over the violet-eyed boy’s face as he watched the first snowfall glide so perfectly onto the ground below, mesmerized by the pure white beauty. Alfred looked out the window too and smiled just as wide.

“Do you want to go play?”

18. England x Japan - Entity

Even ten years after their alliance had formed the Englishman could never feel completely comfortable knocking on the door of Kiku’s house. Especially now, with a bouquet of roses and some English chocolates, Arthur could feel his palms sweating. He had done this every year, and each year he had felt as though he was the very entity of awkwardness. They weren’t even in that kind of relationship… Well at least not yet.

There was always this year, Arthur had told himself over and over.

And yet when Kiku answered the door it mirrored each year previous. A small blush, a slight smile, a polite bow, and the expressive gratefulness caused the Gentleman’s words to be caught in his throat and never able to escape.

19. France x Canada, Spain x S. Italy, the Bad Friends - Essence

It was time for an intervention, Gilbert knew that much. His eye twitched irritably as he gazed upon the two love struck fools, fantasizing about their… their… partners.

Gilbert scoffed.

“What I don’t think you two morons realize is that these guys have completely stolen our essence!”

“Dios mio, Gilbert. You act as if we had betrayed you.”

“I agree with Antonio, mon ami. It is not that big of a deal.”

Gilbert’s eye twitched again as he practically watched the hearts bounce off the heads of the two biggest idiots to have ever walked the earth.

“Look! Look what they’ve done to you! They’re brainwashed you! We agreed never to be tied down so as not to impair our awesome! And now that you guys have found fu-”

Ring. Ring.

“Allo? Mon cher, it is always a delight to hear from you.”

Knock. Knock.

“Gilbert, I know you’re hiding Antonio in there! I will not hesitate to break down this damn door and kick your ass!”

“Bring it on you little-”

“Coming, Lovi!”

Whipped. That’s what they were. And Gilbert had never felt more ashamed of his friend in all his life.

20. Hungary - Extant

At times, Hungary liked to visit her storage closet to gaze back at her past and to remember her history. It was a small room, organized with drawers, filing cabinets, and wall hangings. Not at all like those filthy boys who could not even keep the dust from covering their precious artifacts.

Her favorite items that she had kept for so long were the extant paintings Feliciano had painted for her that had survived the war, and the few sheets of music Roderich had written for her so long ago. It was a hard to time to live through, but something inside her would always miss living with such an eccentric family.

21. America x Cheeseburger - Quintessence

There it was. The quintessence of American culture, laid out before him by the server. Sure, Mickey D’s was good to go to on the way to a meeting or when he needed a quick dinner. But He knew where to get the good stuff. The most juicy, tender, wonderfully smothered cheeseburgers in the US were implanted into his brain. And today it was his birthday eve. He deserved it.

Grabbing it carefully with both hands, he raised it eye level, eyeing the coke for a brief moment that accompanied the basket of fries and the dripping ketchup. Feeling his stomach rumble, he closed his eyes and took a bite of the delicious beef.

Oh, hell yes.

22. Spain, ChibiRomano - Restive

Lovino sniffed back his tears as he kicked a pebble on the road. He didn’t try to be restive, it’s not like he chose to be defiant. It was just… who did that guy think he was? Ordering him around like that. He didn’t knock over the bookcase on purpose; they should have built it sturdier. He tried to help he really did, not because he liked Antonio. No. He hated him.

That didn’t mean that he wanted to make Antonio sad, though. He was keeping him safe from Turkey and France, two of the scariest guys he had ever had the displeasure of meeting. He sniffled again as he sat in the big field of tomatoes, refusing to let his tears fall.

It was a few minutes later that he felt someone sit down next to him.

“Lovi?” No response. “Lovi~”

The Italian didn’t want to look at the bastard; he just knew he would be angry. He didn’t want to be yelled at.

“I saw what happened to the bookcase.” Lovino cringed. Antonio sighed. “And you know it seems like too big of a job, asking you to clean it up all by yourself.” Here it was. He was going to yell at him he just knew it. “I was thinking maybe we could clean up together. Does that sound okay, Lovi?”

Lovino looked up at his boss, his eyes wide as he completely took in the Spaniard’s smile. He even waited a few more seconds just in case Antonio changed his mind and decided to yell again. But when it never happened, Lovino wiped his eyes as clean as he could and nodded as a blush leaped across his cheeks.

23. England - Stanch

There were certain rules that were never to be broken among their kind. During Arthur’s more rebellious phase he hardly paid attention to anything “his kind” was supposed to do. It just wasn’t how he operated.

And yet there were certain lines he would never cross again. Making the mistake of telling a few humans who he was, what he was catalyzed his reform.

He hadn’t figured it would spread. He wasn’t even sure he cared if it did. And yet, there he was, staring at the offender, a man he had hardly known for more than one night, had stabbed right through his heart with a silver dagger. It hurt, it hurt so much he couldn’t imagine being able to live through one more second of the pain.

But before he could even think about stanching the blood as he removed the dagger from his chest, his flesh had sown back together, and his blood continued its usual path through his unusual system.

It hurt. Just not enough to kill him.

24. World Conference - Stasis

The bosses were never allowed to sit in on their meetings anymore. This was established after their first meeting. Each one of them had sat in shock and horror at the chaos that had unleashed in the meeting of all these, what seemed like, child-like countries. Afterword, each country was given a good talking to about how they had acted. It was funny because the countries themselves would look back on it as being productive. While their bosses saw the meetings as stasis and a waste of time, the countries would leave being able to connect with at least one more country. And it was true, usually after much arguing, and chaotic screams and speeches, they would always leave with something more.

25. Canada - Static

It hadn’t taken all too much for Matthew to want to declare his independence. Or not some much declare, he supposed, as request. Declare sounded so forward, and he was willing to be forward but that wasn’t what the situation was and he knew it.

It had been watching his brother grow in the house that neighbored his. Seeing him take on any challenge as his own person, even problems as great as a civil war. Other countries seemed to be shooting up around him, until he felt as though he was the smallest person on the earth.

He couldn’t stay static; it hurt too much to watch the movement around him. He wanted that flow, he wanted that growth. And as nervous as he was, he was able to sit himself in front of Arthur and tell him just that.

26. Germany, N. Italy - Staunch

What frustrated Ludwig more than anything, more than the endless war, more than the language barrier between him and his other closest ally, Kiku, and more than his brother pestering him every two minutes, was that Feliciano could be a staunch defender. But only when he wanted to be.

It had been late and he had come home from filling out papers, and compiling a new list of strategies against the axis. Feliciano was standing in his kitchen, the only light on in the house, preparing none other than pasta, a scent that Ludwig had become accustomed to.

He wandered into the room, taking off his gloves as he soundlessly stepped into the kitchen, seeing Feliciano humming to himself and stirring around a giant pot of pasta over the stove. And there it was, the giant bowl of sauce, steaming hot and ready to be poured on the noodles, sitting off to the side in a matter that was almost lonesome.

As quietly as possible, Ludwig pointed his finger and began to dip into the red sauce when-

“Ow--! Feli-”

“You didn’t think I’d let you slip a taste, did you?” The smile on his face was almost terrifyingly sweet. “It still needs a couple of minutes, don’t worry you’ll get dinner.” And with that, Feliciano grabbed the bowl and walked to the other side of the kitchen where he had been standing not even three seconds before this encounter. Ludwig furrowed his eyebrows and wondered if covering his enemies in sauce would be enough to motivate the Italian to fight a proper war.

hetalia, drabbles, vocab

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