PUBLIC ENTRY, yes. Now, don't be a bitch.

Aug 21, 2005 13:36

So, I'm leaving for Baltimore, Maryland on Wednesday and my birthday is on Thursday, I'm wicked stoked about that, but I'm really going to miss my sister. Even though I'm not talking to her right now 'cause we just got in a fight, but yeah. I'm going to miss her.

I STILL have not done driver's ed because I'm a lazy ass, but I do plan on doing it soon when I get back, I don't know when though. I'm way behind on reading, but whatever I think I'm going to read two books and then sparknote the other two. So far, I'm on East of Eden, my sister said that was her favorite of the 4 so I'm giving it a shot.

School is in (DON'T READ THIS IF YOU BECOME EASILY NAUSEOUS) 17 days. I don't know how I feel about that. Nervous and excited? This summer so far I think has been very short, it doesn't feel like summer vacation at all. More like December, just no cold weather. Which, I miss kind of. It's really funny how when it's extremely hot out I wish it were winter, but then in the winter when it's extremely cold out, I wish it were summer. Yeah .. but I like winter weather so much better because if you're cold you can just add more layers of clothing, but in the summer heat the only way you can escape is by going to Antarctica for those two-three months, NOT walking around the house naked, because you're still HOT. Yeah, ignore this.

My dad has a really bad car, so bad the SPEEDOMETER doesn't work, and that is NOT safe. So, someone want to buy us a new car? orrrrrrr enter us into Pimp My Ride?? kthnx.

I hate how I have so much clothes, but then when I'm getting ready to go somewhere I use the excuse "I don't have ANYTHING to wear! ah. ah!" So, I end up buying more and more and MORE. Yeah, I have THE WORST habits.

I hate how I have some myspace friends that haven't talked to me EVER, ever? Please, don't add me if you're not going to talk to me. And I hate how I've talked to some of those people and they haven't replied with anything back. Yeah, because that's nice. PROUD OF YOURSELF? for being a big meany!

CALIFORNIA NEXT FUCKING SUMMER, I AM SO FUCKING AMPED, HOLY CRAP!! k, done. sorry about the bad language. =X
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