May 10, 2005 19:51
Today me and rachel got up around 1030.. its so hard with the time difference.. but anyways.. we got up around 1030.. i ate some Cocoa Puffs.. we got ready and headed for the METRO .. so we road that to the Smithsonian .. went to the Holocaust museum which is really sad.. and all these little boys were on like tour things with there school and they kept staring at me hahaha!! but yeah after the holocaust museum we went and got something to eat at the ronald reagan building thing... and then we went to find the metro station to go to the smithsonian castle.. and then we saw the natural history museum and the american history museum.. it was all really fun.
in the natural history museum me and rachel saw all these different diamonds and jewlery that kings gave to their wives AND THE HOPE DIAMOND.. so me and rachel decided that we are going to marry rich and be house wives just so we can have huge diamonds as wedding rings lol!!
tomorrow i have to get up at like 8 here.. which is like 5 there... to get the metro to go to UNION STATION to get the train up to New York.. its like a 3 hour train ride.. and then we are gonna hang out in new york for the day.. then thursday we have massage appointments back at the apartment.. so yea.. im looking forward to that.. i talked to cheyne today! that was pretty neat.
i think i want to go over to Abercrombie!! see ya later taters!