Apr 02, 2005 19:14


First Name: Nikki

Hair Color: blonde

Hair Style: basically straight

Eye Color: blue

Height: 5'3

Location: waldork..

Birthday: january 16

Zodiac Sign: capricorn

Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend: yup

Do you have a crush?: lol

Favorite Favorite Animal: monkeys, kitties

Favorite Sport: cheerleading

Favorite Color(s): black, hotpink

Favorite Song(s)of the Moment: this disaster, all downhill from here, mesmerized

Favorite Movie: toO many.....the notebook

Favorite Store: 579, DEB and Pocket Change

Favorite Feeling: knowing that your loved by the person you love

Favorite Shoe: uhh..i dunno?

Favorite Scent: Axe body spray for guys!

Do You Wear Make-Up: yeah.. eyeliner is my favorite

Love, Life & Friends

Which is more important, personality or looks: personality, duh!

What kind of personality do you like in a guy/girl: swwet, funny, trustable, loving, romantic, shares mi intersts, ya know

What is your idea of the perfect significant other: one that loves you for who you are, doesnt cheat on you, makes you feel special....buys you flowers just for the hell of it, that guy

Would you ever ask someone out: depepnds on the person

Do you prefer blondes or brunettes: brunettes

What is the first thing you notice about someone: their eyes, and their body

the last time you cried: umm..cant rememeber

What do you want to be when you grow up: a FBI agent that catches child molesters

Do you sleep with stuffed animals: nah

Do you want children: yes

If so with who?: I hope Ryan, but ya never know!

Do you like someone right now: yuppers!

Do they know: yeah?

Do you have a best friend: yeah...

Within the last 24 hours, have you..

Had a serious talk: nope

Hugged someone, If yes: yes Who?: shelly!!! playin around lol

Kissed somene: nope, i wish

If yes,Who: lol....nobody

Gotten along well with your parents: uh huh

Fought with a friend: nope

Do you like to..

Give hugs: all the time!

Give back rubs: lol yeah

Take walks in the rain: yup, i love the rain

You ever have that falling dream:

What is on the walls of your room: a calender and other stuff, lol

When you chew gum, what kind: orbit is mi favorite

Do you use chapstick: yeah!

In the last 2 months have/did you..

Drink: nope

Drugs: nope

Have Sex: not yet!

Smoke: nope

Made Out: nope

Go on a date: with people to the movies! wooo

Go to the movies: NO DUH

Go to the mall: yes

Eaten an entire box of Oreos: nah

Eaten sushi: ive never had it

Been on stage: mm hmm

Been dumped: nope

Had someone be unfaithful to you: yes

Watched The Smurfs: lol no

Hiked a mountain: yeah

Made homemade cookies: uhh i cant remember

Been in love: yes, for mi first tyme i am now

-W H O-

[makes you laugh the most?]: i dunno? i would say mitchell

[makes you smile]: Ryan

[gives you a funny feeling when you see them]: lol...somebody

[who do you have a crush on?]: muh boi

[easiest to talk to]: uhh..Ryan and Rach

-D O . Y O U . E V E R-

[Stay on aim, waitin for someone special to IM you]: yeah! always!

[save aol/aim conversations]: nope

[wish you were a member of the opposite sex]: sometimes, lol

[cry because of someone saying something to you]: yup

-H A V E . Y O U . E V E R-

[fallen for your best friend]: yup

[been rejected?]: nope

[rejected someone]: yeah

[used someone]: nope

[been cheated on]: im not sure....unless ryan is cheating on me now, which i doubt he is

[cheated on someone]: nope, i would never do that

[done something you regret]: yeah! a million times

-W H O . W A S . T H E . L A S T . P E R S O N-

[you talked to on the phone]: uhh rachel

[hugged]: shelly!! lol playin around

[you instant messaged]: Ryan

[instant messaged you?] Ryan

[you laughed with]: shelly!!

-D O . Y O U / / A R E . Y O U-

[color your hair]: onli highlights

[habla espanol]: what the hell does that mean again? lol

[smoke cigarettes]: nope

[obsessive]: nah

[could you live without the computer?]: umm...nope, cuz thats like the only way i talk to ryan

[How many peeps are on your buddylist?]: like 150?

[what's your favorite food?]: i dunno?

[whats your favorite fruit?]: strawberries

[drink alchohol?]: nope

[like watching sunrises or sunset]: sunsets

[what hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?]: i dunno?

[trust others way too easily]: depends on the person
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